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RE: Initial Entry/Intro

in #jfk7 years ago

Thank you very much for your time and advice. I am just learning the ropes of all of this -lol- it IS inspiring, however, even if it is a bit difficult to navigate. To your statement regarding the constitution, I agree, somewhat... the Constitution does not GRANT rights, it DEFINES inalienable rights. It is a fundamental facet of jurisprudence and philosophy of natural law that people have inherent rights and in order for life to exist, those rights must be learned and utilized. It's scientific.. however, the constitution is only a piece of paper, its like any other holy-book (; take what works and discard the rest. Prudence..... it is the mark of the nobleman, the gentleman to be upright and well educated, but primarily honest. Humble, but not in the sense that he/she allows himself or herself to be walked upon. This is why I thouroughly enjoy the libertarian/voluntarist version of the black and yellow "don't tread on me" porcupine rendition of the Gadsden flag. The porcupine is never the aggressor(NAP), it doesn't eat anybody, it isn't a snake... it is just a porcupine... don't step on it, if you step on the porcupine you can fully EXPECT to be hurt, but that is per your OWN voluntary free will choice . 😂

(I had a run in with a porcupine once as a kid... maybe eight or nine...)