I'd also get an escrima stick.
I lightly tap the sides of my shin as well as rolling it up and down my shin as well.
I have no feeling in the side of my calf on my right and left side. Go ahead and kick it. And I've actually had leg checks break individuals legs. So I learned do communicate please do not try leg kicks.
It's been awhile since I've kept up with that training and now the nerves regrowing cause my leg to burn on the calf.
My shins are pretty calcified and dead still.
And also please try out Filipino martial arts. That has completely complimented not only my BJJ game but also my stand-up striking.
Besides also having access to sticks for help on body conditioning.
However yes rolling with soup can get you to the next step...
And I'd avoid kicking metal poles due to micro fractures until your significantly into training. Trust me a micro fracture hurts nearly as bad as a full one. And put you greater risk of breakage.