4 Years ago last month I survived a stoke at the age of 26.

in #jiujitsu7 years ago (edited)

Typical millienial, I made time to take a selfie in the hospital.

I was released from the hospital without a diagnosis. I couldnt walk, was throwing up constantly, and had intense vertigo. They said I was probably dehydrated from a hot day. When I got home I fell asleep and woke up 3 days later. I was later told that because I hadn't received blood thinners that I could've died that night. 
 Serval weeks and may doctors later, it was discovered that I suffered a stroke and luckily was able to make a full recovery. During this time I made a decision to change my life. Quit my job, focus and the things that make me happy and never go backwards. Its cliche but when faced with death, the thing you think about the most is life and how you send it. 
  Months later, after much deliberaton, I returned to my hobby/passion of brazilian jiu jitsu competiton. A few months after suffering a stroke I found my way back to the competition podium at blue belt and over the years at purple belt in local and national competitions. 
In the end, there are few replacements for  strong mind and a little bit of luck but this moment still and always will stand as a pivotal moment in my life.