Quit Your Job and LOOK TO THE FUTURE - Life Is SHORT

in #job8 years ago

I think probably 99% of the Worlds population has asked this question at least once in their lives. Sometimes I wonder why I still continue to do what I do if it truly doesn't bring happiness.

Is it possible to quit a job and succeed somewhere else or doing your own thing (business, hobby, inspired desires, etc.).
I look at this question and also pose it to myself.

First things first - Are you happy in your current job. Do you get up in the morning and dread going to work or doing what you are doing? If you answer yes to this question then maybe someone or something is trying to tell you something.
2nd - Does it feel like your job is controlling you? We all LOVE to be in control of what we do on a daily basis. Some of us can be in control more then others of course, especially if you have obligations such as children, caring for loved ones, etc.
3rd- Do you feel inside that there is something better for you out there? Are you not reaching your full potential or are you just tired of doing the same old thing? Passions are spiritually given I do believe.

Let's look at the Bible. Abraham was never an employed person. He simply survived off of the land and listened to God as to what to do. God had him move around a lot and it was God that told Abraham that his offspring will inherit lands, etc. Abraham was his own man or self.

It is in our nature as human beings to do our own thing. God never set up a system where we are controlled by our daily lives with work. You know there is a problem when work comes before our kids.

What can we do? Scale back, have some garage sales, and take a step of faith. Unfortunately those of us in working positions are limited with time to find other employment. Sometimes we simply have to take a step of faith, or should I say a "Leap of Faith". Sometimes God brings us to a point in our lives where hard choices have to be made. I believe this happens to get us out of our boxes we have built around us.

I hear many people say "you can't quit your job until you have found another one". Well, I have issues with this statement. Sometimes a person needs to just quit for health and well being. When a person is pushed to the limit, jobless then he or she has more motivation to plan for his or her dream. Of course there are things to consider if attempting this like DEBT. If you are in way over your head and have a house maybe you should consider downsizing.

All in All life is short. we have little life on this planet and so much to give. Focus on yourself more and quit putting your boss ahead of yourself. Quit trying to please others so much and focus more on YOU. Your not a slave. You are free. Sit down by yourself and ask yourself "What do I want in life"? Let your imagination go wild. Come up with a small plan and focus on that. I'm not saying quit your job outright unless you must. Just take the time to consider what you want in life and start planning on that. Do you love art, music, making videos? Begin to really pursue those dreams and make a plan to get out of the job you are in, especially if you can't stand it.

Say to yourself "NO MORE" will I be controlled for someone else's interests.
For those people out there that would tell you "you are not being realistic" just avoid them. They could be part of your problem. Give energy to your interests and be encouraged. Maybe, just Maybe God is leading you in this new journey.
Have a Good One.
Article by Tim Crowe

(All Images taken from google imaging)


very good points and inspiring. Resteemed.

Thank you so much themevlog. I do appreciate that. Have a great day.

I think about this every day before I go to my job. Trying to make a living of your passion can be a very hard thing but not impossible. You just have to really want it.

I totally agree. I'm right beside you in your thought pattern. Wondering how and when to "make the leap" to really follow what I want in life. I hope for the best for you. Cheers.

Thank you! I'll try. Best to you as well.

People hate the term wage slave, but for most being employed is just that, guaranteed to keep you dependent on the salary and in the system. We should all follow our passion, but remember there are bills to pay too. "I owe I owe, so off to work I go".

Yes, its like a trap we are in. Sure wish we lived in the days of staking out a piece of land and making something truly happen. It will happen. Keep Pressing forward.

A rat trap for sure, self sufficient on your own piece of land is the way to go.

100% agree with this!

Thanks dwhntx.

If you have your heart in what you do, the thought of quitting will not cross the mind. However, necessities and needs get in the way of passion all the time! Good points @crowe. Upvoted, resteemed and following you :)

great article tim! i reestemet! thanks for resteeming one of mine in the future!