Not everybody wants or can start his own business. For those of you who are employees and want to get somewhere, here are some principles that just might help you.
- Listen carefully to the instructions you get. Don't expect that anybody will repeat them a second time.
- Finish your job completely. Do it better than your boss expects.
- Work with diligence, although it could mean loosing some comfort. Do your job without interruptions and without complaining.
- Finish your tasks within the established deadline, meaning: asap
- If you finish your job, ask for more things to do. This will help others in your company.
- Don't meddle with your company's policies.
- Don't take authority that has not been given to you.
- Don't be jealous about the salary of others or their work conditions.
- Don't think you are the smartest guy around.
- Don't look at your watch. Start working a little earlier and work a little longer.
- Don't forget: you are the only one responsible for your errors. Take them on board, learn and don't blame others.
Start tomorrow.