waaaaaay more minimalist please. just 2 or 3 objects would probably be enough. like a nice big leaf, somehow connected/combined with this podcast image:
aaaah there we go. that one in the bottom row middle. i love it. let's go with that one. maybe make the crack in the 2 leaves just a tad wider though so more whitespace shows thru them. just a couple pixels or so
wow, i didn't think i would like it, but this one is really nice. the tree might be a little bit too busy, but the rest is damn good. get rid of the circle thingy that surrounds the objects.
also, the rectangular image, please give me a mockup with a few different font choices for PermaLife and i think we might have a winner here :)
Yeah, sorry about the px mention. This will be vector svg's anyway, so px doesn't really matter. I guess I was just thinking about the mockups size for here on peakd hehe
I like font #7, please include that font file if you can.
So, let's wrap this up. SVG #1 is just the logo image in a transparent square. SVG #2 is that logo image with the PermaLife text to the right of it in a rectangular area. SVG #2 is the image that will show in the top-left corner of the website (similar to how it was done on beetoons.tv).
Here is the last image, what you will get in SVG format, separately, with, and without white-black backgrounds:
inclusive the font file.
If you are satisfied with this, you can transfer Hive to my Wallet, and i will provide you with the download link after successfully transfer of Hives.
The code i will give you in private PeakD chat (the little chat icon in upper right side, along you profile avatar), i will invite you and i give you there the password.
It was great to work with you, and I appreciate that you like my work, and hope, you will be happy with it.
For any other help, if you need hosting, web design, etc. just contact me.
You have my web site in title of my profile, so, you can see my works there.
hey @getron i need a logo for Cast Garden. it's a website that hosts podcaster content like podbean, captivate, google podcasts, etc.
it's a website where podcasters go to grow their channel. audio, video and livestreams. minimlism is best.
this job pays 30 HIVE. 2 svg images (1 fits in a square, the other fits with the Cast Garden name into a rectangle) needed.
The logo needs to:
Can you do this one for me too?
Hi @kencode , great to see and hear from you again with new job for me.
Yes, sure, i will start today with the work.
I'll get back to you as soon as I have something ready for you.
Stay tuned.
woohoo! thanx so much getron, lookin forward to it!! :)
Hi @kencode , here i have something for you, hope you like it:
waaaaaay more minimalist please. just 2 or 3 objects would probably be enough. like a nice big leaf, somehow connected/combined with this podcast image:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd'> <svg clip-rule="evenodd" fill-rule="evenodd" image-rendering="optimizeQuality" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="m360.5-0.5h9c135.51 6.6457 239.34 66.979 311.5 181 29.892 52.168 46.725 108.17 50.5 168v39c-7.573 93.634-44.239 173.8-110 240.5-9.48 8.57-19.147 16.903-29 25-11.198 6.687-22.532 7.021-34 1-7.35-7.392-9.85-16.225-7.5-26.5 1.333-2.667 2.667-5.333 4-8 100.04-80.078 140.37-183.74 121-311-20.872-101.83-77.038-177-168.5-225.5-95.497-44.936-190.83-44.602-286 1-104.08 57.2-161.25 145.37-171.5 264.5-4.3151 100.11 30.185 183.94 103.5 251.5 7.795 6.127 15.295 12.627 22.5 19.5 6.624 11.766 5.791 22.932-2.5 33.5-11.219 7.862-22.886 8.529-35 2-68.779-57.544-112.95-130.38-132.5-218.5-2.9218-16.384-5.0885-32.717-6.5-49v-39c10.391-128.68 69.724-227.51 178-296.5 56.646-32.909 117.65-50.409 183-52.5z" fill="#fff"/> <path d="m351.5 131.5c82.638-2.325 149.8 28.342 201.5 92 37.56 53.093 52.56 112.09 45 177-4.393 31.182-14.726 60.182-31 87-7.281 7.572-16.114 10.072-26.5 7.5-10.442-4.364-16.442-12.198-18-23.5 0.633-4.802 1.8-9.468 3.5-14 29.261-53.827 32.261-109.16 9-166-34.542-69.829-90.876-106.83-169-111-50.393 0.894-93.56 18.728-129.5 53.5-42.988 43.29-61.155 95.457-54.5 156.5 1.97 15.547 5.97 30.547 12 45 4.333 9.333 8.667 18.667 13 28 3.401 15.702-2.432 26.202-17.5 31.5-13.979 2.358-24.145-2.808-30.5-15.5-38.109-76.105-37.775-152.1 1-228 43.121-72.505 106.95-112.5 191.5-120z" fill="#fff"/> <path d="m355.5 312.5c-24.979 5.817-39.479 21.484-43.5 47-2.092 23.985 7.075 42.151 27.5 54.5 25.446 10.842 47.946 6.676 67.5-12.5 14.559-20.262 16.225-41.595 5-64-13.642-19.562-32.476-27.896-56.5-25z" opacity="0"/> <path d="m355.5 262.5c49.071-1.229 84.238 20.105 105.5 64 15.88 45.644 6.38 85.144-28.5 118.5-44.667 32.667-89.333 32.667-134 0-34.88-33.356-44.38-72.856-28.5-118.5 16.836-36.993 45.336-58.327 85.5-64zm0 50c-24.979 5.817-39.479 21.484-43.5 47-2.092 23.985 7.075 42.151 27.5 54.5 25.446 10.842 47.946 6.676 67.5-12.5 14.559-20.262 16.225-41.595 5-64-13.642-19.562-32.476-27.896-56.5-25z" fill="#fff"/> <path d="m369.5 837.5h-8c-18.372-0.762-35.706-5.596-52-14.5-4.274-4.274-7.774-9.107-10.5-14.5-21.145-73.535-33.645-148.54-37.5-225 0.124-30.786 14.458-51.619 43-62.5 25.977-8.665 52.643-11.665 80-9 22.059 0.929 42.392 7.262 61 19 11.618 8.64 18.785 20.14 21.5 34.5 0.998 5.809 1.831 11.643 2.5 17.5-3.851 76.628-16.351 151.8-37.5 225.5-3.833 9.167-10.333 15.667-19.5 19.5-13.945 5.574-28.279 8.74-43 9.5zm-12-277c16.826-0.521 33.16 1.979 49 7.5 9.061 3.884 13.394 10.717 13 20.5-6.061 66.031-16.561 131.36-31.5 196-1.067 0.691-2.234 1.191-3.5 1.5-12.667 2-25.333 2-38 0-1.266-0.309-2.433-0.809-3.5-1.5-9.84-43.709-18.174-87.709-25-132-3.278-21.22-5.444-42.553-6.5-64-0.626-8.915 3.041-15.415 11-19.5 11.336-4.696 23.002-7.529 35-8.5z" fill="#fff"/> </svg>
for the rectangular image that displays the company name too, type the letters together like this:
If I have more details from start, I can be more specific with the end product.
So I have couple of them here, hope you find some, or one, or maybe more idea with these. Here we go:
Enough minimalist now?
aaaah there we go. that one in the bottom row middle. i love it. let's go with that one. maybe make the crack in the 2 leaves just a tad wider though so more whitespace shows thru them. just a couple pixels or so
wow, i didn't think i would like it, but this one is really nice. the tree might be a little bit too busy, but the rest is damn good. get rid of the circle thingy that surrounds the objects.
also, the rectangular image, please give me a mockup with a few different font choices for PermaLife and i think we might have a winner here :)
Great to hear you like it.
I hope i understand you right with the square of 800px, something like this?:
I have 10 variation of fonts here, you can choose one, if you like.
Yeah, sorry about the px mention. This will be vector svg's anyway, so px doesn't really matter. I guess I was just thinking about the mockups size for here on peakd hehe
I like font #7, please include that font file if you can.
So, let's wrap this up. SVG #1 is just the logo image in a transparent square. SVG #2 is that logo image with the PermaLife text to the right of it in a rectangular area. SVG #2 is the image that will show in the top-left corner of the website (similar to how it was done on beetoons.tv).
Ok, no problem, i understand now what you meant.
Here is the last image, what you will get in SVG format, separately, with, and without white-black backgrounds:
inclusive the font file.
If you are satisfied with this, you can transfer Hive to my Wallet, and i will provide you with the download link after successfully transfer of Hives.
Hive sent, plus a little extra.
HUGE thank you! :) https://hivehub.dev/tx/c77c68404b002a227251630d79b1a8f28821a626
Great, many thanks for payment.
Here is final product what you get, with little "extra" on it:
and here is the link for your package:
Final logo products in IPFS
There are logos, and the font included.
This pack is secured with password.
The code i will give you in private PeakD chat (the little chat icon in upper right side, along you profile avatar), i will invite you and i give you there the password.
It was great to work with you, and I appreciate that you like my work, and hope, you will be happy with it.
For any other help, if you need hosting, web design, etc. just contact me.
You have my web site in title of my profile, so, you can see my works there.
Many thanks. It was a pleasure working with you.
Received, opened and perfect. Thanx again! :)