It's a common story, especially in the data gathering world. Many of our friends never recovered and may not work again. These are people who made over 60,000 to a 100 thousand a year....their jobs were shipped off to India. Sadly this business practice does not seem to be good for anyone except the top corporate seats. Managers were brutal hoping to stress employees out so they would quit and the company wouldn't have to pay for a severance package. Big bonuses were give. To managers with the least amount of payouts.
It's a common story, especially in the data gathering world. Many of our friends never recovered and may not work again. These are people who made over 60,000 to a 100 thousand a year....their jobs were shipped off to India. Sadly this business practice does not seem to be good for anyone except the top corporate seats. Managers were brutal hoping to stress employees out so they would quit and the company wouldn't have to pay for a severance package. Big bonuses were give. To managers with the least amount of payouts.