Vietnam (VN) is full of life, creativity - you can see them dancing, singing, with fire, with energy - their history, culture, goes way back, thousands of years - they're like the weird younger brother of China. Turned eight years old in the year 1993, and was also dreaming of world travel; grew up in Oregon since my birth in 1985: lived in California, New York, West Virginia, around the East coast, Hawaii, Idaho, Washington, Canada, Cambodia, & moved to Vietnam in 2012. Interesting adventures.
Favorite places in Vietnam -
Saigon - big city - many people - many things
Hanoi is more traditional
Dalat is pretty fresh
1980 - USA
1981 - USA
1982 - USA
1983 - USA
1984 - USA
1985 - USA - born
1986 - USA
1987 - USA
1988 - USA
1989 - USA
1990 - USA
1991 - USA
1992 - USA
1993 - USA
1994 - USA
1995 - USA
1996 - USA
1997 - USA
1998 - USA
1999 - USA
2000 - USA
2001 - USA
2002 - USA
2003 - USA
2004 - USA
2005 - USA
2006 - USA
2007 - USA
2008 - USA
2009 - USA
2010 - USA
2011 - USA
2012 - USA - VN - Hanoi - Bac Ninh
2013 - VN - Saigon - Hanoi - Bac Ninh - Thanh Hoa - Hoa Binh - Dalat - Long An - Q.Tan Phu, Thu Duc, Binh Tanh, districts one to twelve; many HCM districts - was all over TP.HCM teaching
2014 - VN - Saigon - Dong Nai
2015 - VN - Saigon
2016 - VN - Saigon
2017 - VN - Saigon
2018 -
2019 -
My Life - VN
2017-10-18 - created - Wednesday 08:55 PM OTC -
My Life - 1900s - 2000s -
1980s - 1990s - 2000s - 2010s - 2020s -
1980 - 1981 - 1982 - 1983 - 1984 - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989
1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999
2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009
2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019
VN - HN, SG, BN, HB, DL, TH, LA, DN; Canada, Cambodia
@ JoeyArnoldVN -
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Is vietnamese food pretty good right? ^^
Yeah, I really love rice and noodles for example.