Smuggers and Jesus Boosters

in #john7 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time in the not so long ago, John Lennon, offered the suggestion that his bands popularity exceeded that of Jesus Christ; a popular person from a once upon a time time too.

Puckered asses in Bible belted britches, considering themselves Jesus boosters, marched the bands memorabilia to greenhouse gassing pyres and boycotts to register and punctuate their outrage at John Lennon's suggestion.

John Lennon then duly gorged some humble pie, which effectively appeased them.

A short while later when John Lennon was visiting Elenor Rigby, a friend of hers, Jack Mackenzie stopped by. Over tea John discovered that Jack Mackenzie as Father Mackenzie was a Jesus booster too.

Jack got quite a chuckle from John's recollection of the transposition of a popularity contest into a pie eating one. He shared it with John with the question, "How did you manage to factor the possibility of a draw out of the popularity contest's outcomes" . . . ?

John confessed that he hadn't, remembering that he voiced his suggestion as a complaint, not the boast those pyring boosters took it as.

Once back at home John Lennon sent the following memo to his mates:

  • The church militant is not the church triumphant because it doesn't know how to keep it's socially retarded sector in check.
  • A shit eating grin provides far better copy than gorged and horked humble pie.
  • Dear Prudence won't you come out to play.

John Lennon checkin out the church like