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RE: Nobody said it was going to be easy, but I am pleased to see that #DeleteFacebook and #JoinSteemit Twitter Campaign is showing the first signs of green shoots..!!

in #joinsteemit7 years ago

IT really is a testament to all to take #deletefacebook and #joinsteemit to new heights, what’s the point of social media if you can’t use it for the sake of the society and it’s people for a social cause. @steemit will change uncountable number of lives and create a chain reaction like people will earn here and be free of slavery and poverty then they will spend outside creating jobs and incomes for others. Facebook is brainwashing people by which they are earning billions of dollars but the users are left empty handed with a complete waste of their time and effort. This discrimination or capitalism of social media like Facebook needs to stop cause Facebook doesn’t values us and our blogs but steemit does. For steemit @blogandreward are two sides of the same golden coin which is bound to attract everyone from bloggers to investors so lets make steemit go viral and Facebook a virus haha. Join the the army and thanks for being the leader of this all @stephenkendal. Keep doing what you do best.