How the French wish you a happy new year

in #joke2 months ago (edited)

Today my boss sent me (and the whole company) some peculiar new-year good wishes:

Here's the full text in french:

Nous vous présentons tous nos vœux pour cette nouvelle année !
Suite à des consignes gouvernementales, nous nous voyons dans l’obligation d’annuler nos vœux prévus le jeudi 23 janvier 2025 à 16h30, dans un contexte de restrictions budgétaires.
Espérant d’autres occasions de se rencontrer en 2025,
La Direction.

And its translation (credit: google translate)

Good morning,
We send you all our best wishes for this new year!
Following government instructions, we are obliged to cancel our vows planned for Thursday January 23, 2025 at 4:30 p.m., in a context of budgetary restrictions.
Hoping for other opportunities to meet in 2025,

Wish it was a joke.

So, fellow Hive users... ready to come and work for my french company?

(EDIT : layout)


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