in #joker5 years ago

After what was hype to be a block buster hit, in my opinion it was a bomb. Where in the DC universe did the JOKER have a laughing sickness? Can anyone recall this bit of missed history. Then as if more twisted, the person who shot Bruce's parents was not the Joker. WTF!!! Another missed mark. This change in the tell will make it as if the Joker didn't kill Bruce's parents and some sick way they believe that Bruce and the joker are related. Hog wash to the whole story-line. This movie should have been scrapped during production. Who wrote this shit. I've seen a lot of different view point of the Bruce Wayne Joker story-lines but this one is way off and I mean waaay off.

This concludes my review.

I welcome your comments good or bad.If you saw it, what was your take away from the film?

Movie rating 2 out of 5
only because it was a story of a person with mental illnesses and instead of dealing with them. They are push by the down play of his choice to kill the first three. Didn't even bother to say they were taunting, harassing and assaulted him. So he shot them.
How many of us wish we could just silence our problems with the pull of a trigger.