Daily Jokes from SydesJokes for 3 Oct 2017

in #jokes7 years ago

I did this SydesJokes Daily Digest for many years as a daily e.mail but stopped. I have decided to do them again but this time as blog posts.

Joke 1


SydesJokes Daily Digest

Original post: http://csyd.es/1/4

Joke 2

The early bird catches the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese

Joke 3

A man writing at the post office desk was approached by an older fellow with a post card in his hand. The old man said, "Sir, I'm sorry to bother you but could you address this post card for me? My arthritis is acting up and I can't even hold a pen."

Certainly, sir, said the younger man. He wrote out the address and also agreed to write a short message and sign the card for the man. Finally, the younger man asked, "Now, is there anything else I can do for you?"

The old fellow glanced at the card a moment and said, "Yes, at the end could you just add, 'PS: Please excuse the sloppy hand-writing?'"

Joke 4

Q: Why didn’t the girl take the bus home?
A: Because her mom would make her take it back.

Joke 5

TEACHER: John, how do you spell "crocodile?"


TEACHER: No, that's wrong

JOHN: Maybe it's wrong, but you asked me how I spell it!

Joke 6

The city slicker was spending some time with his country cousins. The first morning the farmer said," We need some help today. I'd sure appreciate it if you could take the bull to pasture three to breed with the cow there." The city slicker agreed. Six hours later, he staggered back to the farmhouse, his clothing all torn and disheveled.

The farmer took a look, then asked, "The bull give you a problem?"

Hell, no. the bull was eager and raring to go. "

Then why did it take you all day?"

Because, the city slicker replied, "The cow fought me for hours before she'd roll over on her back."

Joke 7

A woman takes her 4 year old son in for his yearly well child visit to The doctor. The doctor asks the little boy, "Do you know your name?"

He tells her, "Yes my name is Timmy."

And Timmy, do you know your mom's name?

Yes her name is Mommy, said Timmy.

And what is Mommy's real name?

And little Timmy says, "it's Tammy."

That is great, the doctor told Timmy. Then the doctor asked, "And what is your daddy's name?"

Timmy said, "it is daddy."

Finally the doctor asked, "And what does mommy call him?"

Timmy looked up innocently and replied, "Asshole."

Joke 8

Q: Why was the baseball game so hot?
A: Because all the fans left!

Climate Change a big hoax

SydesJokes Daily Digest

Original post: http://csyd.es/1/72

Originally post at: https://sydesjokes.blogspot.com/2017/10/daily-jokes-from-sydesjokes-for-3-oct.html

Ledger Nano S - The secure hardware wallet

pretty funny jokes ^_^

All good clean fun :)

I like the snaccident!

It happens a lot to me hahaha

"Snaccident" sums me up pretty well. LOL

Upvoted & Resteemed!

I think I've had one of these before