This Saturday is a little frowning today, so I decided to read some silly but funny jokes, like these:
Guy walks into a bar and sees a tiny foot high man playing a piano on the bar and a rusty lamp. He asks the barman, whats with the lamp and the tiny musician. The barman says ‘Rub the lamp and see’. The guy rubs the lamp and a genie appears and asks ‘what would you like to wish for?’. The guy immediately answers 1 million quid. The room is then immediately filled with 1 million wriggling squid. The guys yells ‘what the f**k.. are you deaf I said quid!!’ and the barman pipes up: “you don’t say, you think I wished for a 12 inch pianist?’
Did you hear about the giraffe race? It was neck and neck!
A string walks into a bar. The bartender says "We don't serve your kind here. Get out!" The string walks outside, messes up his hair, and walks back into the bar. The bartender says "Aren't you that string I just told to leave?". The string replies "No, I'm afraid nott".
Why did the hipster burn his tongue? He drank coffee before it was cool
A ghoul walks into a bar. The bartender says: "Hey, we don't serve Ghouls here."
"That's fine", says the Ghoul, "Is the human fresh?"What did the Buffalo say to his son when he left for College? - "Bison"
Why did the lady fall down?
She didn't see that well.Why can't the pirate finish the alphabet? Because he's lost at C.
A blind man walks into a bar. Then a chair. Then a table
Thanks for stopping by, I'll try to entertain you from time to time fellow steem users!
Good okes -thnx -- i am now following and you make me laugh -D