A baby was born and a few minutes later, began to speak:
“I am going to live only four (4) days, my mother will die in six (6) days, and my father will die fifteen (15) days from now.

Credit: google
Four (4) days later, and the baby died, on the sixth (6th) day, the mother died. 😩😩😩
The father nearly ran mad. He sold his every property cheaply, and wasted away the money drinking and womanizing, counting down the clock to his day.
Fifteen (15) days later, the neighbor, a family friend died! 😂😂😂
Lesson🚩Don’t rush to respond to situations outside your control!
One day at high school, Uche was dozing during a physics lesson, when the teacher awoke him up with a cane, and asked:
Teacher: “What is the unit of power equivalent to Joule per second?”
But Uchi had been startled: “What?” 😲😲😲
“Very good” the teacher congratulated him, turning to the class.
“Clap for him: the answer is watt, before leading the class in a chorus session.
Teacher: “Watt”
Class: “What?” 😂😂😂
Lesson 🚩 If you have not written it, then it could be wrong!
A not so learned African President one day went to a restaurant with Adrofeu, his Minister of Education, Ogbono, the minister of Finance, Igwebe, the Minister of Education, and Osotto, the minister of Culture.
Shortly after the meal, the waitress brought the bill reading as follows:
President 50,000/=
Adrofeu 30,000/=
Ogbono 27,000/=
Osotto 28,000/=
Total 135,000/=
After closely scrutinizing the bill, the president, rebuked the waitress.
“Why do you want to cheat us? I will pay for everyone else, but Total must pay for himself. I don’t know him.” 😦😂😦
Lesson 🚩Education is not a qualification for success in life, but it is a qualification for success in living!