Names of our planets and myths ; who and what are they?

in #jonathancurrie8 years ago

Jehovah , Yahweh = Jupiter , the jackal , creation of Sofia or Mother Earth ; also a demigod sometimes angry , sometimes loving ; jeckle and Hyde ; not the universal Creator

Elohim = the gods , El, Nomo , the creators of humanity ; hybrid humans

The watchers = fallen angels

Nefilim = the giants , offspring of fallen angels and women

The Holy Ghost , Holy Spirit = Sofia , Isis Mother Earth

God of Marduk , , owl , = god of war , Zeus , Mars

Israel = Isis , Ra , El

Satan = Saturn , adversary , cube , lead

Set, Seth , darkness , setting of sun

Jesus = sun or cosmic father , Horus , Zeus , yes ;the sun rising and falling , archangel Michael

Sun = Helios , Lucifer , cosmic Father , Jesus , Ra , Horus

Osiris = the son , the child , the sun within , the sun of God

Trinity = father , mother , child
Father, Holy Spirit , son
Spirit , mind , soul
Cosmic Father , Mother , sun
God , Goddess , child

Mercury = God of knowledge

Mars = God of war , Zeus

Venus = GODESS of love , Lucifer , emotional love

Lucifer = fallen angel , devil , Prometheus, reptilian , archons , Venus , sun , fire

Neptune = god of water

Mother Earth = Gaia , Sofia , Isis , black momma , cosmic mother , serpent mother , Holy Spirit , Holy Ghost ,

Moon = lunes , looney , mind control satellite body , emotional moon , sister moon , aliens , dark side of moon

Inner earth = hollow earth , agartha

Our galaxy = Hunab Ku , Milky Way

Our universe = one verse, God, Universal Creator , Source , Creator , Oneness , One , stillness , motionless , prime Creator

Multiverse = more than one verse

Human = hu means light
Man = flesh or
Body masculine


Bless all the planets , I bless all the gods and goddesses, help us humanity renew our minds and hearts to make a better world
Thank you Sofia Mother Earth for life and putting up with us
Bless it