Hi friends, hope y'all had a great day? I did.
So this is my entry.
I live in Nigeria where we don't actually have summer breaks. But if i had to observe summer, I would love to;
First, travel to see my sister and my handsome nephew. He'll be 2 years old on the 13th of June and i really wish I can spend his next birthday with him, especially with the fact that i missed his first birthday.
So I love contests and @joordanzzz is organizing one that talks about summer plans. You can get the details
Secondly, would love to go home and spend some time with my family back at the village. I miss my mum and dad so much cause I only talk with them on the phone. I would love to go and spend some quality time with them.
Thirdly, I would love to visit some friends and colleagues, back from my college days. I really miss those guys! They made my school days, so much fun.
So if I had summer break, these would be my plans! Thanks to @joordanzzz for this. I hope I win!!!
Sounds really great @camilus its good to see you love your family and friends alot. Thats super important. Good luck