Accidental Life Coach
I think I may have accidentally inspired someone. He was walking past the cafe I sometimes work in. At first he was just walking by, but then I noticed him stop and start to come into the cafe. This was originally in my peripheral vision, but then I raised my head and made eye contact with him as he found a seat and placed it right next to me.
"Hi, I always see you here and, if you'd pardon the intrusion, what do you do for a living?".
Just like that, quick and straight to the point. He obviously was aware of the intrusive nature of asking a stranger this kind of question, out of the blue, and without having even introduced himself yet. He seemed like a nice guy though. I suppose he was determined to know. Like he said, he'd seen me sat at the same spot with my computer before, so it made sense to assume I was working there.
At first I hesitated, but then decided to engage.
"Well, I'm what you call an Internet Entrepreneur"......
An hour later, he'd delayed his meeting and we were still talking. We talked about all my side hustles and what the "grind" was for each one. He was so intrigued by it all. His mind was particularly blown by my iPhone battery case. Reason being that, first, he had never hear of one before. He hadn't realised you could have a battery case for a phone instead of carrying a power bank about. I explained to him how it resolved a problem and how, for example, the middle man that brings said solution to the end user could derive financial income from the process via commissions or sales margin - depending on the preferred sales method; wholesale to retail, or affiliate marketing. He himself is a salesman by profession, so I didn't need to explain much to him.
Secondly, hid mind was blown that this kind of stuff was actually possible. Prior to our conversation he'd assumed that, even now in 2024, "make money online" = "scam". I don't blame him at all. Like me, he grew up in a time where that equation was more true that not. Nowadays, of course, making money online is totally normal.
When our conversation reluctantly ended when he had to head to a meeting he couldn't delay or cancel, he departed saying "I'll see you again mate", with a pensive look on his face. I didn't even show him crypto haha.-
Peace & Love,
You’re actually making me feel like getting a battery case
My friends have it but I never thought of getting it
lol. I'm a salesman now :)
I'm looking forward to a time when We don't have to "make money" to ALL live richly. Many think that is impossible, but I know We have the tech to do it.
The use of money is a bane to society overall, because it allows the psychopaths to gain power, able to buy things and People to nefarious goals. I want a society free of psychopathic influence.
Sadly, the psychopaths in control (by virtue of money) hide and suppress the tech.
I have written extensively on what money is and how We can remove the practice of accounting for the energy We add into a system. And wish I had the wherewithal to bring it forth. All I can do is show how to do it...
Money vs. Currency (article):
The Foundational Function of Money (article):
Interesting. We would have to revert to simple ways and live in smaller decentralised groups for that. It would take a cataclysmic event too
Why? I think robots doing all the necessary work no One wants to do will allow Us to live as richly as We choose. I think free energy tech will make accounting for Our energy added (the foundational function of money - from trade/barter to electronic bits) pointless.
I think We can choose to live as We wish - from a cave as a hermit to a lavish mansion (which will no longer be a status symbol, and Most will not want that). Like the Amish, or in a yert, or whatever pleases Us.
Even a house in the sky - electrogravitics offers gravity control and energy from the aether.
Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether (9 min):
I haven't read the link yet but I suspect this sort of thing will only be possible in the west with advanced tech and low population. Different story in places like India or Brazil. Also, won't life lose meaning at that point? I find that a lot of the value we give to life is due to the adversity and brevity of it. I'll give your post a read later with a cup of coffee - you might already have addressed those points
No... It will be global as the need to account for Our energy added diminishes to zero.
And when We are teaching that the purpose in life is to find what We love to do that helps the most... I doubt life will become meaningless.
What purpose in life is there when One is living in poverty (like 70% of Humanity) and starving, like a pretty big percentage?
Looking forward to Your thoughts!
Everyone may become rich but for this work a person has to work hard and spend a lot of time.
A beautiful story, Adé. Save the crypto stuff for the next one, lol.