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RE: Ice Journal #8102031

in #journal7 years ago

Hi @d-pend. I can only marvel at the depth of your work. It is hard to even comment on your poetry because almost every single line has me transfixed whenever I read. But not only am I awed by your work, I am impressed with how prodigious a writer your are. The quantity of content is just out of this world.

How do you do it?

My background is in prose, but there is something about poetry that draws me close. In fact, I use poetry to help me when I have writer's block, and to be honest your work has helped me a lot since I chanced upon your blog.

Hats off, you are a hard worker and your stuff is phenomenal.


@Nicholas83 I have to thank you for the many kind and thoughtful comments you've left me. They're much appreciated and I'm sorry if I have neglected to respond to any of them.

To answer your question, it all started with a simple intention when I came to Steemit 7 months ago. That was to write and post at least one poem per day. I held to it pretty rigorously and even started posting 4 or 5 short pieces at one point daily. I am actually pretty amazed that I have been able to continue, but the connections I have formed with other Steemians like you has been a huge assistance. I pushed through times that I really didn't feel like writing because I started to treat it like an absolute necessity, like drinking water.

I have a similar background with prose, that is, I had a lot of instruction in persuasive writing and various kinds of essaying. But I gravitated to poetry and it helped me express a lot of feelings I couldn't get out through other means. That was back in 2011. I wrote for a couple of years and it kind of dwindled off after a while. I never thought my writing was that good and I didn't share it much. I didn't get serious again til joining Steemit.

I can't tell you how happy I am that my work has made an impact on you. I'm really grateful that you take the time to read it.

I am inspired. I will take this example and run with it. Cheers. Later. I got to get to writing. LOL.