I am about to disclose the presentation that I gave at an event yesterday.
Although weak in substance, it deals with the philosophy that I have on how blockchain technology and the media should be integrated and develop in the future. For those interested in the lecture that I gave, please don’t hesitate to contact.
I’ll be posting the Declaration of ‘Ring Media’, the genuine blockchain media network mentioned in the presentation shortly afterward.
Blockchain Trends,
Risks and Opportunities for the Media
Seung-eun Myung
Issuer of MJCoin
Representative of Venturesquare
Adjunct Professor, Department of Media Communications, Kyunghee Cyber University
Author of <Media 2.0>, Co-author of <The 4th Industrial Revolution and FutureNomics>
An Experiment for Blockchain Media
- CIVIL: P2P subscription-based News service
· Issue CVL, an Ethereum-based, ERC 20 Token
· Those who read articles written by editors can edit the articles
· The record of issuance and modifications are kept on blockchains.
· Disadvantages: low rate of diffusion, doubts about scalability, incomplete decentralization - Continuing experiments with blockchain media such as SingularDTV, Nasdaq NIAE, Po.et, BitTeaser, etc.
The Historical Context of Communication Technology
- From the development of pictures and characters, development of paper, invention of printing to the rotary printing press, from the discovery of radio waves and the development of broadcasting technology, from the internet to mobile…
- Communication was born of ‘technology’ and changed by ‘technology.
- In terms of ‘record’ and ‘distribution of trust’, blockchain is a type of communication technology.
The Value of the Computer (Value in Everyday Life)
- The beginning of a simulacrum
· An icon of a trash bin was used to represent ‘delete’, a disk for ‘store’, and the Windows Operating System was originally based on the shape of a ‘window’ and not an ‘album’. - Calculation
- Productivity
- Systemicity
The Value of the Internet (Technological value)
- The development of the simulacrum
· 1. Replica of the original 2. Destruction of connectivity with the original 3. An original which is not related to the original … a cycle - Dispersion
- Network of networks
- Stability
- Regional scalability
- Efficiency
- Cost-effectiveness
The Value of Web 2.0 (Social value)
- The proliferation of the simulacra
· Rearrangement of the original and the replica, the relationship in which the replica of the newly created becomes a better product, a different original which is connected to the original - Participation/social media, blog
- Sharing/open-source
- Open/API
The Value of the Mobile (Personal value)
- Personalization of the simulacra
· Personal choice, whether to share an image with others or make it extremely private and personal - Personalization
- Custom services
- Network mobility
The Value of Blockchain (Political value)
Perfection of the simulacra
· Completeness of records, systemization of trust systems, possibility of the irreplaceable original, the return of P2P, reaction from internet fundamentalistsDecentralization (Power of the Administration)
Distributed ledger (Power of the Parliament)Cryptocurrency (Power of Financial bodies)
Disintermediation (Power of the Media)What is Blockchain Technology to the Media?
· Redefining the simulacrum
Finding the way to improve the conformity the real and the simulacrumWhy choose blockchain?
· Durability of records:
· Immutability of records:
· Fairness in profit distribution:
· Transparency in delegating authority:
· Variability in organizations:
· Accumulation and collection of value:
· Conformity with the purpose of a network:
· Possibility of integration with technology:
Looking at Blockchain from the Media’s Point of View
View Number 1 – Copyright
- Retrieve the value of the original
- Distinguish between risk and management, and fact and opinion
- R&R between an organization and an individual, redesign the economic benefits
- Transparency in sharing and distribution
View Number 2 – Journalism
- Why anonymity was allowed, and media organizations were needed
- Sustainable journalism should become vested in individuals
- The power to decide whether to separate vocation from journalism or to combine
- Cooperative systems should be made on a global level
View Number 3 – Creator
- Rediscovering journalists
· No distinction between creators, curators, readers and journalists - Removing the power to control from journalists
· Liberation from the capital, expenses, forms, ideology, time and organizational control which imposed restrictions on content creation - From unpredictable rewards to predictable rewards
- Copyright created during the course of performing one’s duties reserved for and for the use of the relevant individual
Reflection and Lessons Learnt from TNM Experience
- Feeble profit model
- Confusion in copyright management
- Infrequent and irregular postings
- Sense of affiliation felt by the participants
- Weak organizational power and influence
- Conflicts with laws and regulations
- Low level of technical completeness
- Being monitored and controlled by big competitors
Ring Media Project (The genuine blockchain media network)
- Organization without an organization
· You only need banners and links to participate
· You have the option to go anonymous or pursue fame
· There are no restrictions in the type of contents - Transparent rewarding and trust relationships
· The ability to get initial assistance and utilize network effects
· The openness of Creative Commons License is supported
· Participation of the original creator of an article and a translator, group rewards
· Global scalability through decentralization
Blockchain and the Media!
They are a Perfect Match!
Seung-eun Myung, Representative of Venturesquare
[email protected]
If you join Ring Media after viewing this content, you’ll be provided with 30,000 MJC.
Source text : https://steemit.com/kr/@ringmedia/sodvl
Translated by 이아람(https://www.babeltop.net/ko/dashboard/funnel?translatorUsid=e964609a6db3)