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RE: Steem: The Most Enjoyable Governance Tool Ever Devised!

in #joy8 years ago

Hey man thank you for looking at my poonix article, i apologize for my errpr in the title, i corrected it, but Ill think youll find it was a simpel istake, and the fact that poloniex doesnt make 43 billion a year but rather 43 million a year doesnt make it that much less impressive, wouldnt you say? and i simply forgot two decimal points when i multiplied a number, i hope i can earn back your upvote, thank you (also that wasnt the whole article! i had alot more in there too! the whole point of the artcole was to show the new message poloniex shows to users now! the caveat about poloniexs profits is jst me following p on an older post i made doing this same calculation but then i did it correctly, but i corrected the math! it all accurate now! and it doesn't take away from teh article! they still make 430,000 dollars a day!!! or 15 Million a year! come on u gotta admit thats still pretty impressive and would ahve still caught your eeye right? and they COUL be making 1000 times that when bitcoin is woth 1000 times its curreent vaue or altcons pickup in volume too like ethereum for example!