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RE: Never Lose Sight Of Why You’re Posting!

in #joy8 years ago

Your post is inspiring.

All of those hours you've been putting into Steemit the past year has really paid off. You get back what you put in.

For myself, I'm planning to put in a lot. I'm working on a website and then this is a full-time job. =)

Congrats on your continued success and it's great to see someone working hard to promote Steemit.

I have a plan to bring over thousands makeup artists/lovers. I want to bring over so many that Steemit begins to look like a makeup artist blogging website. I'm here to ruin Steemit. lol


For the record, that was a joke. I do not want to ruin Steemit. I love Steemit.

Haha! I look forward to reading you! Have fun!