Honestly speaking, you write such amazing posts so I don't even know how to reply without sounding like a bot. - "Good post!" or whatever doesn't really fit.
Your post more than often makes me hesitant to reply, because I truly can't add a single thing to it. You're doing an amazing job @teamsteem, and I love to read every single piece you write. Even though I don't comment on everything you write, I'm still here, reading and learning. - Thank you very much!
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments. Comments are really guiding. There's thing comments can do that upvote can't and vice versa!
I definitely agree with you. Even though I appreciate every single upvote I get and all the followers I have and the support I get, comments are truly rewarding. - I always consider comments to be a huge token of appreciation but I've actually been pretty bad to comment myself. I often respond to the comments on my own articles and such, but I've had a pretty hard time figuring out exactly how to approach Steemit a bit differently so I can comment on others people's content too. More than I've been doing in the past. - It all comes down to the amount of time I've spent doing things I could've focused a bit less on. - It's crazy but I've been struggling due to all the things I want to do on and for Steemit so I've actually neglected myself a bit doing that... - Luckily, I've managed to come up with a decent plan for the time management now so I'll be able to comment more than before.
That being said, one obstacle still remains. To come up with solid comments that makes sense and brings something to the table. In this case, my comment wasn't bringing much to the table, more than giving you credits for your amazing job. - I can't do that on all your upcoming articles... ;)
I need to trust my instincts and allow myself to express my feelings about certain subjects I'm not used to discuss. - That's the only way I'll become an even better person, and Steemian.
Thanks for all the support you've given me too. It has definitely been a huge motivator for me.
You are right, some times you appreciate what the writer did but saying something tangible might be difficult. But I think giving praises to them is better than not commenting at all.
Yes i can tell @teamsteem wants to have 3d printers to print up houses! i can tell he wants a ticketto space and mars too! i canot waut to be on that spacehip to mars, using my talet in space with interplanetary wifi to blog the whole space trip on steemit live, but there will be lagin spae, mars canbe several mins away from earth and speed of light steill takes few mins to get there and back so internet will be slow, and martians will need their own styeem witnesses and bitcoin nodes!
Anyway I cannot wait for even more technological abunance but we just meed more mony for moe people! we have to fix our econoy and create more jobs expand local small business and we will be god! everyone on earth can be fed and will eb fed, 800 million still go hungry every night in 2017 and this can end, we can end the hunger and the need we can create a planet where people have jobs and small business is protected and 1 man can do the work of 10 online !!!
SOOO many unemployed bored people on the planet who can ALLL be pit to work helping people make money online and steemit si a great example of how u could take a room fo 100 unemployed but motivated and smart people and get em using steemit! Viola you just created jobs for them!
But yes @hitmeasap teams team has helped so many of us! i too have received many upvotes from him in the past and he has really helped me too and i hope I can continue receiving his precious helpful upvotes in teh future! its a great feeling to know that youre connected to a decentralized horizontal power grid that works!