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RE: Guillaume Cardinal

in #joy7 years ago

Thanks for this useful summary post.

I really hope that this system works and helps bring down some greed. I do believe that if it does work then greed will be go down because there will be no point in it. Especially when more people are getting their needs met. A lot of greed just come from a feeling of lack. But now when it becomes easier to share value to other humans it will be more rewarding to actually produce real helpful content.

When people can see they get rewarded faster for what they do they can easier connect it to the habit that produce those results. People that want to start businesses will have less competition because most will choose not too because of their needs met.

I am very curious to see how this will scale on billions of people. There is always a risk that it might crash because of something unexpected happening. But I believe in the human heart and that all the pain that has happened on earth the last 2000 years has fueled creativity to create a more abundant world.

Many people love helping others but that money issue really do stop most. But we see that people are truly getting massive buy in when it comes to Crypto business. Will probably be a great idea to invest in a startup web company or some virtual reality project. Geeks currently running this world and they bring excitement to the masses!

Of course the main reward for most humans is helping others. My main hope is that this will also inspire people to read more books so we don't let amazing history get lost forever in a library. But I bet book reading now will go up because of more incentive for intelligence!

We will probably see exponential intelligence increase in humans now with this blockchain industry and then it will get boosted even more by big data and AI the upcoming 20 years. Curious if AI will be able to create it's own video games and movies eventually. Talk about amazing potential!