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RE: In The Name Of Freedom

in #joy7 years ago

Whenever we acquire some money, it means somewhere someone is getting less and in our world this result in many people dying and many more living in horrible condition.

I think this is partially true and partially false.

There is a limited amount of money, but an unlimited amount of wealth. Wealth is formed every time we combine our lives with a resource to create something. The Illuminati can control all of the United States fiat dollars and I can still go out and create something of value. Hopefully, if I create something of value other will be willing to trade with me and I can increase my wealth regardless of the number of dollars controlled by others.

Piling up fiat money may mean there is less fiat money for others to own, but we should not allow it to affect our wealth. There are other mediums available for us to trade our products and services if we choose to move away from fiat currency. Gold and silver are still allowed, but difficult to trade quickly. Chickens and goats will always be a form of currency, but not everyone has room for farm animals. Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin, and Steem are all making tremendous headway as a viable alternative to fiat currency.

Thanks again for another interesting article. You are still the only one I've voted for as a witness. You certainly add a lot of value to the Steemit community!

Come and say hello on the Steemit Libertarian Chat Channel soon!


Agreed wealth wise. Wealth is, in a sense, valuable production either as a product or a service. Value is assigned according to the customer, not the producer. Anyone can do it, and it really is unlimited!

What you say is true. I think I have removed the part where I was specifying that this isn't necessarily true in all system or situation but overall, on average it's true. People are dying because they have no wealth and if they had money then they wouldn't be dying. Sure they can do without money but most people on Earth need money.