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RE: United We Stand!

in #joy8 years ago (edited)

Another Great Post and really looking forward as this series progresses and continues...

I'm also glad that You refer to "The Money Masters" created by Bill Still.

My friend, is friends with Bill Still and they both have a pretty strong understanding of money creation, although they don't always agree precisely on the best solutions for money creation.

As You are suggesting, Bitcoin & many of the alt coins are "showing" AND trailblazing the way to viable solutions for money creation... it is a "work-in-progress"... a "peaceful" evolution which hopefully will Not turn into a "violent" revolution.

In my humble opinion, the "Dark Side" has be trying to start WW III since the fateful day of of 9-11-2001... that is 16 years of setting up & creating the "environment" for WW III... however so far, WW III has NOT begun and that is because there is a higher level of "grace" & "protection" coming from, once again in my humble opinion, the higher nature of mankind AND other much more powerful "forces" emanating from the "Light" that is completely enveloping our entire planet at all times. ( Human beings are capable of only "seeing" a small portion of the full spectrum of Light/Energy.)

(( There is a very interesting book called "GOD at the Speed of Light", written by T. Lee Baumann, a retired medical doctor. This book may be worth looking into by both believers & non-believers of GOD because it melds Science & Religion, as mankind currently understands them both.))

Thank You once Again TeamSteem for being on the forefront of this "Evolution" that we are ALL observing & witnessing.

Speaking of witnessing... Please everyone look into the many previous Posts written by TeamSTEEM because he is one of the most worthy of Your Trust AND Vote for Witness, imho.

Hope Everyone has a Good Weekend... Cheers !!


Ellen Brown and Bill Still works are pretty awesome in term of teaching people about money creation.

I agree about some forces looking to create an ever stronghold on humanity, though I don't think we can clearly speculate on their path or if we should. I'd rather see us concentrate on our path.

I don't think I've ever heard about the book you mentioned. I'm currently looking it up.

Thank you for the support my friend! I sincerely appreciate it!

I totally agree with where our collective primary focus should be... it should be on the solutions and not the old paradigms of the past...

Metaphorically we create our "reality" by WHERE we put our focus & attention/intention... similar to a car, which we are driving.

IF we put our primary focus on the rear view mirror (the past) instead of the front windshield of WHERE we want to go... then most assuredly, we will never easily obtain our destination or our goals.

Thank You Again TeamSTEEM... Cheers !!

This is the component that will eventually become unveiled as well.