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RE: United We Stand!

in #joy8 years ago

I think some cities have been build entirely by private sectors in the past. I'm not 100% sure but nonetheless cryptocurrencies like Bitshares, Steem and EOS will allow us to do and share on a voluntary basis and be a lot more efficient than current public services which we are force to pay for which is never at our advantage.

Another aspect to take into account is that as time passes we're creating more for a fix amount of energy thus there should be more for everyone. It doesn't mean there should be free lunch for some.

To learn more on this read no. 5 on the link below as well as the list of posts which are listed there.

I don't have the answers to all question and your question are legit.


I disagree with this particular perspective and I will tell you why. There are generational issues that go along with poverty that will not be solved solely with currency it also takes education. I live in The Bronx,I'm not from here but I love it here it's the inner city with nature around us. People rely on social services heavily here, there are issues that stem from poor nutrition, disability oppression and systemic violence. The solutions are complex and unless you actually live in it it is hard to grasp. I am very privileged because I grew up middle class and white (I'm 1/2 Dominican). I can see with my own eyes the forces internal and external that hold people down. Public social services are vital and need regulation.

I totally agree.

We totally need mutual aid funds.

In my opinion governments are providing public social services to further enslave people from problem those same governments created.

I'll provide much better education and I'm about to prove this.

Under forced anything, I'll provide nothing but resistance.

I think we agree. Both of us haven't fully explained ourselves yet.

I see both of us seeking for a better world. Education is key as you've highlighted. Poor nutrition, disability, oppression and systemic violence are the result of poor education sometimes from generation on end and all of this stem from the systems of oppression set forth by forceful systems of governance.

Let's stay strong and provide enlightening education wherever we can!

I just saw this. I would love to hear more about this and look forward to reading about it in future posts. :)