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RE: United We Stand!

in #joy8 years ago

It's true there is some distinction between state and countries. I stand by my affirmation that countries need violence and war to assure their integrity.

I don't mind arguing with you but also I don't want to be arguing needlessly.

I've asked about your aspirations in the past so as to try to know what were your deeper convictions and you told me something like I was trying to divert the conversation or something.

I want to know people's aspirations because I have aspirations myself and I want to cooperate with people who I share those aspirations with and those I think I can convince of the good of my convictions and visions.

If someone is too far removed from my ideas I tend to think it's better to let go in peace and go on both on our respective path. This is better for everyone.


I have to agree with your reply kyriacos, I am new to everything in the cryptoworld, however I am educated enough to know there will always be a power that governs, regardless of what structure its built on, there will always be a power that governs, you can look as far as you can down the paper trail of history to see that. You can get rid of the government that prints the paper, but people as creatures will always strive towards power, greed and violence. Its natural. Also I believe the big governments that control populations will not let their power slip away, I believe they will just adopt this system it makes perfect sense, unless you go into a civil war for independence from your government you will still be subject under its governence. So although i enjoyed reading this post, I really did, it doesn't line up with my philosophy about life. Good job on this post teamsteem! Also wanted to add, this re-reply was referenced to your opening paragraph.

Switzerland is a state and never had a war. At least once you are prove wrong.

My aspirations have nothing to do with this. You can see what I stand by reading my posts.

I stand for intellectual honesty the most. Actions following words and vice versa. I am also very allergic to bullshit and senseless over-amplified sensationalism. check the comments. 3/4 are fake cheerleading, much like the post. politics 101. what is the point repeating the same mistakes of the FIAT world?

If someone is too far removed from my ideas I tend to think it's better to let go in peace and go on both on our respective path. This is better for everyone.

what is better for everyone cannot be known since everyone has different aspirations. what is bad for the fly is good for the spider.