Yeah good point. I have thought about this but I only began to follow cryptocurrencies recently. I do share your belief though in regards to how I see the Internet and the super-connected state which we are heading towards.. along with Ai in the picture and the movement away from biology and/or the hacking of. It is clear then that it is the final frontier. Once complete. all born or all "created" are directly connected to the system. As depicted in The Matrix.
Crazy times ahead.
Do you believe that there is an opposing Elite force?
I have thought about this.. and I see it in the comments also.
That as the pot boils more and more and maintaining contents gets to be more and more difficult. There would have to be a deferring Elite which would want to change the direction or at least apply similar challenge to it in the same way Elite applied challenge and gained supremacy.
Someone like Elon Musk for instance.
I can't quite figure out if he is part of or one which truly does want to start the change. He has grand visions for Humanity. Has great following.. but then I wonder. Are his motives pure.
In theory, new planetary Life could re-imagine itself and simply do away with all that is corrupting us here on Earth.
A sort of re-birth of our species.
He is after all, quite public about his view of Ai and seeks all that positive stuff such as renewable energy and improving mankind.
I do wonder!
I think the ruling elite are providing some freedom to some to develop technologies like Elon is doing but I feel like no one is really totally free and like I said or implied I feel like a large part of the public figures are in the know about this.
I don't necessarily think anyone in their right mind can be happy with the state of the world today, people just keep quiet because of concrete threats or just to avoid trouble.