Good point. Institutional investors can easily pump anything, then crash it. The market can absorb around 60 to 80 billion a day right about now, and a medium hedge fund run by an investment bank can be around 200 billion. Just a sale of 10 billion of any assets can crash the market (as recently happened).
A precarious situation, since most individual investors are dangerously leveraged and will automatically have their positions closed on an enormous loss, before market recovery in a few days. Institutional investors will be safe thanks to their sizes. Most individual investors will readily then believe mainstream media nonsense how its all intrinsic to cryptos. (Frank Herbert wrote, once people look for scapegoats they easily find them if the alternative is to look incompetent themselves.)
Think it’s a bit more complicated then that since you have so many different people on both sides. Many looking to make a profit and exit the old system. There is such a demand right now that any crash would just attract more buyers. Because what else would we do? Go back to the old system? Not like we are going back again the Blockchain is too good and it’s clearly a step forward in the right direction.