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RE: Life Is Awesome!

in #joy8 years ago

I am relatively new to Steem community and this was undoubtedly the most captivating and motivating post I have read so far. Very true, honest and realistic in every way.

I agree with your mindset, how you have portrayed joy and success above everything else we do or get in life. I have always believed and kept my faith that we all do get 'our break' at the right time. At times we might anticipate something good coming our way, most of the times we won't. But that's the beauty of life, isn't it? I mean, we all want the best things to happen to us on a constant basis, but that's not how the script is written for us usually.. There's a right time for everything we strive for, all we need is a little faith and the ability to still be happy about the course of our life at any given moment. I am not just saying this out of nowhere, I've been there myself, too. Have made sacrifices, have put the happiness of my blood relations above my own. The part of the world I reside in, family relationships matter a lot. I even had my low phases where I used to question almost everything, until I realized that happiness is not just about fulfillment of your own goals. It's way beyond that - only if you want to look at it from a broader perspective.

So yes, we all need to see, feel and live the joys of our lives all around us. Everything else will make it's way to be associated with our course. Nothing should deviate us or adversely affect us in any way. In my view, that's what life is all about. That's what life teaches us everyday. That's the 'awesomeness' of life! :)