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RE: Preparing for our Japan & South Korea Trip

in #jp8 years ago

Really? I think thats a waste of time honestly...travelling back and forth to Tokyo. Tokyo itself is a destination to stay, but so is Kyoto. Actually to get the most out of Kyoto you would need 2 days there so I recommend a 1 night stay there...why dont you check to see what there is in Kyoto and you will see its too much to see in 1 day, including wasting 5 hours of travelling time between Kyoto and Tokyo.


good input, yeah maybe go in the morning towards kyoto or even further and spend one night in kyoto.

we'll see, still have to plan it with my friends :)

I do recommend spending two days. You know why? Because the two things you would definitely want to see are on both sides on the city and both take more than half a day if you dont want to rush through it.