Judaism vs. Buddhism:
in my humble opinion, to feel holiness in observant judaism (and not OCD stress), one needs to approach it with buddhist awareness of samsara directed towards nirvana. (The difference is that the jewish 'samsara' is the path of mitzvos... and our nirvana is cleaving to Go'd through purging ourselves from sin and from negativity...
i think there is no religion better than islam so all the human beings should follow the teachings of islam
islam is a copy of judaism. All religious concepts are copied from judaism, such as halal (kosher), hajj (Jerusalem Temple pilgrimage), zakat -charity, sawm -fast, qibla -prayer toward Jerusalem, which was Muhamad's original qibla, sura 2:145... Tawhid, Go'ds unity, is JUDAISM's integral concept. There is NOTHING new in islam, yet islamic jihad has been trying to force others to accept islam for centuries.
Quran itself admits that Mohamad wasnt as great as Moses. Moses received Go'ds DIRECT word, unlike mohamad, (sura 4:163-164). So why not follow Go'ds DIRECT and ORIGINAL teaching?