Britain is under an alien and yet deeply embedded centuries-old Jewish occupation. Using their rich experience of economic, political and media management, globalist Jews all over the world are working on collapsing national currencies. It's not only the British Pound paper currency which is to be destroyed, but all national paper currencies; Jews having manipulated the world into paper "money" in the first place, most of which through linking to the US Dollar which they have controlled completely since 1913 and which has been unbacked since 1971. When the global economies collapse these Jews will lose the power of their paper and digital fiat currencies, but not of gold, of which they own practically all. Gold will make a stunning resurgence! On the ashes of the paper of the world, they will build their differently-appearing global currency under identical management. This could be a conventional gold-backed global currency, or a global cryptocurrency, but whatever it is, these Jews will be in control of it. Our quality of life will not start to improve until we remove this supremecist, racist, destructive, amoral element from within our societies. Jews are not the only people involved in this diabolocal plan, but the plan was devised by Jews and is, broadly speaking, for the benefit of Jews and detriment of everyone else.