My sweet, cuddly foster-now-adopted-cat has a peculiar habit. Whenever he is sitting on my lap and I scratch his armpit, he flings his paw up and out in what is, unmistakably, a Nazi salute. At first I thought it might be a black-power salute, but since his paw isn't clenched, it is very unmistakably a Nazi salute. I call it the 'Kitty Seig Heil', and whenever he does it (spurred on by me, scratching his pit) I whisper 'Seig Heil!' into the fur behind his ears. Then I make him do it again, and again, and one more time.
I can't help myself. After viewing the 'Nazi pug' video, and it's subsequent fall-out, I just can't help myself. I've had it up to the gills with the untouchability of the holocaust narrative, and the insane lengths its guardians will go to terrorize and destroy anyone who dares make even the most innocent joke on the topic. If I hear accusations of 'anti-Semite' being hurled at someone these days, the only reaction it causes in me is to give me the strong desire to puke right on the person leveling the accusation. I think of it as more of a reflection on the intolerance, bigotry, and irrational hatred of the accuser, than of the accused.
Well, the verdict in the Nazi pug case has come in, and it is 'guilty'. Did anyone expect it to be otherwise? I certainly did not. But then, I know the history of malicious persecution anyone who dares question or make light of 'the holocaust' faces. What I do feel is a sense of frustration at the 'OMG! How could this have happened!?' attitude the whole debacle has engendered not only in Count Dankula, but among his followers, and just about everyone else who has been watching and sympathizing with Dankula's current plight.
Why am I so frustrated with them all? Let me put it this way:
First they came for the Holocaust Revisionists, and I did not speak out;
Because I was not a Holocaust 'Denier' and I agreed that such awful people should be silenced.
Then they came for the critics of the State of Israel, and I did not speak out;
Because they're just a pack of raving anti-Semites and anti-Semites should be put in jail.
Then they came for the BDS movement, and I did not speak out;
Because I didn't have a clue what 'BDS' means (and thought it was a sexual preference, at first).
Then they came for wannabe comedians like me, and real comedians, too (like Dieudonné);
And there was no one left to speak for me, because the people who would had all been sent to jail before me.
(I apologize for the liberties that I have taken with Pastor Martin Niemöller's famous poem. However, I feel that if he were alive today, he'd be revisiting it and making revisions himself.)
The absurd situation Count Dankula now finds himself is one that is very much reflected in the Niemöller poem, as I have altered it above. For decades now, any person daring to question the official narrative of the 'holocaust' risks beings dragged off to jail while the world looks on and applauds. People just like Count Dankula look on and applaud - until it happens to them. And now that it's their turn, they still don't get it. Worse yet, they're going down protesting their innocence with cries of 'I am not an anti-Semite!! Have mercy!! I am not one of those horrible Holocaust-deniers who deserve to be put in jail!!!'.
Sad. Very sad.
Pathetic, actually.
It's time to get a little perspective on the overall situation. Poor Count Dankula, crushed beneath the jackboot of rabid anti-hate legislation, still doesn't seem to grasp the fundamental principle of the thing. When a Jewish group drags you into the courts on 'hate' allegations, the truth is no defense - and all the grovelling in the world won't buy you mercy. There is a very good reason why this is so: most of the current 'hate' legislation that exists in the western world was drafted at the behest of Jewish organizations for the sole and express purpose of silencing any voices they don't want heard.
Think about it. When is the last time you heard of someone being brought before the courts for making jokes or comments about the LGBTQ community, or Muslims, or blacks, or any other group? It doesn't happen. When Muslims tried to get a protection similar to the one that Jews enjoy here in Canada, Jewish groups (I include Zionist Christians in that) went berserk and fought like hell to stop it. Do you sense the overpowering odor of hypocrisy here? Of fear? Because, quite frankly, if other groups manage to get the same protection, then guess who is likely to get hauled up before the courts for fostering hatred themselves? It is a case of 'power for me, but none for you'.
The Truth is No Defense
Now I am going to tell you a bit about what Count Dankula and his Nazi pug are up against, and where people like him are in the wrong. First off is the notion that 'Holocaust deniers' are evil monsters who spew bullshit. That is a blatant lie, brought to you by the very same people who are now painting a hopeless wanker like Dankula as a danger to society. Anyone who believes that he is, is just too fucking stupid to breathe and think at the same time.
The crux of the matter, the heart and soul of what is really going on, is the increasing untenable defense of the 'Holocaust' narrative. The 'Holocaust' must be protected at all costs, because without it everything Jewish groups have built up falls apart - including the right of 'Israel' to slaughter Palestinians and steal their land. Without 'the Holocaust' to wave around in the faces of the international community, the actions of the Zionist state would not be tolerated. Without 'Holocaust guilt', money to fund the Zionist state would dry up. Without the 'Holocaust' narrative, the Zionist state would be called to account by the IAEA, and forced to surrender its massive nuclear arsenal.
The 'Holocaust' must therefore be protected and promoted at all costs. Even a simple joke cannot be allowed to pass unpunished.
The fact that they are now swatting a tranny-loving fruit-fly like Dankula only goes to prove just how desperate these people have become. Count Dankula is no Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolph, David Irving, Robert Faurisson, or Dieudonné (Dankula definitely isn't Dieudonné, despite attempting to call himself a comedian). Dankula is not about trying to lift the taboo and promote real historical research into the 'Holocaust' based on scientific evidence, as those men are/were (Zundel died last summer, and Irving has been reduced to a tired old man with no fight left). Dankula is just a minor internet personality with little influence over anybody.
If anything, Dankula buys into the official narrative. He certainly doesn't have the balls to question it, let alone produce the type of brilliant satirical send ups of the narrative that have put Dieudonné behind bars on numerous occasions.
I am pretty sure that Count Dankula believes all Germans are secret Nazis, and that anyone who questions the official 'Holocaust' narrative is evil and deserving of prosecution. I am pretty sure that he never listened to what Germar Rudolph has to say about the results of chemical testing at the Auschwitz site, or Fred Leuchter has to say about the construction of gas chambers (based on his own expertise in building them for the US prison system). Dankula probably doesn't even know that Ernst Zundel was a pacifist who left Germany in order to avoid mandatory military service, or that he was the first and only non-terrorist to be held in a Canadian jail under a security certificate. I doubt Dankula even cares about the truth behind the persecution that these men have endured.
I also doubt that Count Dankula and his supporters are even aware of the actual Canadian court ruling in one of Zundel's trials that 'the truth is no defense'. Or the court ruling in the Irving-Lipstadt trial that basically found that yes, Lipstadt had defamed Irving, but the court was still going to rule against Irving. Or that the German authorities are now pursuing Alfred Schaeffer under the accusation that his activities are undermining the trust Germans have in their legal system.
I doubt that Dankula is aware of all that, because, if he was, he wouldn't be surprised at the ruling in his case, and would realize that his protests of innocence mean diddly-squat because truth doesn't matter. Protecting the sanctity of the official 'Holocaust' narrative is the only thing that does.

Image: Pixabay