Karma is part of this earth game ... which loan out by the fallen incarnation system ...

in #karma7 years ago

Karma is part of this earth game ... which loan out by the fallen incarnation system ... when we borrow karma from our past life ... it has to be paid back in this or other life ... with this innerstanding ... we should take back all our resiponsibilities of all our creation ... to embrace our karma in order to transform all the changes ... so as to upgrade our spirituality & consciousness to higher level of dimensions ...




hell yeah! my friend @lionspaw and I got to se merkabahas live human souls and he rcorded this amazing video fo aactual human soul merkabah in infrared video!

I made a close up zoom in of this object to PROVE it is a star tetrahedron Merkabah 8 pointed star 3d star opf david shape!

I was there that day with my friend @lionspaw who ius this uploader, , its zack, the uploader will confirm that we see these all the time,. this is a real human soul a merkabah i even zoomed ina nd proved how it was one with this image this is from the high res original video and i zoomed in and with photoshop on the left u can see the outline of where i see the merkabah STAR tertahedron 8 pointed star 3d star of david shape, ...and on the RIGHT those are 100% un edited zoom inns of the object ...its points of the star were like spinning around and when u pause and zoom in u can really see how the 8 pointed star is spining around like crazy, like on 3 axises! in fact, you can even see what apears to be the outlne of a person sitting cross legged inside! But seriously the clear 8 pointed star shape of this thing is so clear and obvious...This video and my closeup image are GROUNED breaking MILESTONES in Human history and science, we have actual scientific empirical PROOF of the human soul or its electromagnetic scientific real world equyivilent...This thing was obviously alive and way too complex to be some sort of invisible electromagnetic natural phenominon OTHER than a human spirit merkbah flying around!!!! Look at it! In the video u can see it flashing with energy and then when the second one comes in they dance around each other, spinning in a double helix motion, like two magnetic looping aroune or orbiting each other!!!!

this video is PROOF of the human soul...because what else would this be? We have ancient text that describes the shape of the human soul as the merkabah....think leanordo Da Vincis vitruvian man...this thing is REAL and i know iuts a stretch but honestly i can make it because we have proof, and i can actconfidently say that THIS IS PROOF of the human soul and life after death....

Ok maybe not so much proof of life after death or that it must be a human soul but it IS proof that there are these unknown multidimensional lifeforms that float around ain the infrared (which means they are in another dimension because the infrared light is perpendicular to our visible light at a 90 degree angle...it makes sense that infrared could see maybe like the 'sahdow" the the 4th dimension...These things may just also exist in the higher octaves of the 3rd dimension but are simply invisible to our eyes and only visible with infarred eyes like our camera here (Its a Yukon Nightranger $300-400 infarred hunting camera equivalent to about 2.5gen as u can see here when hooked up to a TV it gives out a very nice but standard definition 640x480 image and it would be realluy cool to have a cheaper newer one with HD output bu i dunno fif yukon makes those

i should create a kickstarter to create vry cheap nightvision cameras that can recrd like a webcam, and use a fisheye lense t record the whole night sky to allow everyone to be a ufo skywatch hunter!

Hi Ackza i just realized you has a comment here ... lol .... i found some really cool mekerba videos on youtube ... will edit it then share ... :)