I can't help myself but burst into laughter when I stumbled upon this meme on google. This is so hilarious! I can totally relate with this and I'm referring to Korean dramas. Once you've started an episode, there is literally no turning back. You'll surely want to crave for more and most likely end up finishing all episodes in a day. Believe me, it really happened to me. I know it sounds ridiculous. How can I finish all episodes in a day? (You might be wondering). Do I still have a social life? Do I have all the time in the world? Do I have a girlfriend?
Yeah, you win. I know that there are times that you'll really be excluded from the outside world when you start to embrace the world of dramas, not just any dramas but The Korean dramas. It feels like you are being trapped in another world and can't find your way back.
Before I got hooked with K-dramas I'm just like any other typical normal being doing things that the world designed them to do. Then out of nowhere, 'Curiosity' came and barged into my life. It was really my sister's fault.😂😂😂 She dragged me into this. She started watching long before I had. I got curious why she kept on laughing that time and on some other point she's crying and that's how it all started. I chose a genre, one episode (Okay, one should do it), second episode (Just one more) and so on until I've watched the last episode (What sorcery is this?).
I don't regret anything. I'm just so happy and wanted to share this feeling with you guys!. Try watching any first episode of a Korean Drama you would like to watch even just one and in the long run as you go along to the next episode, I hope you do experience emotions such as grinning, laughing, crying and most probably, romantic excitement!. Lastly I'm not really sure how others feel about Korean dramas but that's how I feel and if you're out there and you feel the same, Hell yeah! Give me five! ✋
The fault's not mine. I didn't force you to watch those Kdramas. Hahahaha.
I'm just kidding bruv. Yeah I know! Thanks a lot!