I love my mom! The nondage of our love dates back to the time I was born. It happened I was a boy child after four girls. A mother's love often flows to sons. All my sisters were apples of my dad. My coming signalled mom's boy from the word go.
It happened that my sisters often felt jealoudy. I was showered with love. Talk of pampering, and you get me at the centre of it. Any precious toy in town was mine. I cried a lot too. This was to attract attention. Mysisters never liked it. I landed them in problems all the time. I played pranks on them too.
So I was mom's boy till Davies came and stole my glory. I became jealousy and envious of him. This was to the joy of my sisters. I had a competitor in Davies and I never liked it
One time I was thrashed heavily just because I said that I wished something bad to happen to him. He was my opponent and we often fought. Always I was the bad boy. Davies was the innocent one. It was only later in life that we became friends.
Mom is asthmatic. It is an alergy that often gives her difficulties in breathing. She has suffered this ailment since she was young. She often told us that she has moved in many hodpitals and even visited many herbal medicine men without finding proper mediçation. The disease has grown has become hardened to medication.
Much time and money has been spend on trying to curb this disease. Mom is alergic to smoke, smells of all types, dust, cold and dander. You can see why I cannot keep pets like cats or dogs. The dander always increases the disease. My siblings and I do not use any perfumes in the house. Mom will sense them from a distance.
We have learnt how to cope with the disease. An inhaler is supposed to be kept handy. Tablets are to be handy too. We always air our house and make it dust free. During cold weather we often insure she is covered in warm clothes.
I plead with all stemians to pray for my mom. This far she has reached is God. It is prayers that often change things. God bless you all.