Kepler's law.

in #kepler2 years ago

Kepler's law.

Portrait of Johannes Kepler.
1910, cf. Steven N. Shore, Václav

The Austrian astronomer Johannes Kepler was deeply convinced that the revolution of the planets around the Sun is subject to certain and precise laws. He dreamed of revealing these laws and expounding them in a large astronomical work conceived by him under the title “Harmony of the World”. Kepler persistently searched for this harmony in the planetary system. He gave several years
calculations, wishing to reveal the relationship between the times of revolution of the planets around the Sun and their average distances from the Sun?
Neptune 1°47 Uranus 0°48 Saturn 2°29° Jupiter 1918° Mars 1°51* Earth 0°* Venus 3°24* Mercury 7%°

Kepler multiplied these quantities, raised them to a power, extracted square and cube roots... He worked tirelessly. Every single calculation
he was not lazy to repeat several times in order to avoid mistakes. The perseverance with which Kepler strove for the intended goal, his incredible work. beating and perseverance amazed astronomers,
shisha with his manuscripts.
Perseverance won. In 1618 Kepler succeeded in finding the harmony he suspected in the motion of the planets.
He multiplied by himself the time of Mars, that is, in other words, squared it, then cubed the average distance of Mars from the Sun-
and got the same numbers in both cases.

Found by Keplero and dependence is one of the basic laws of motion of celestial bodies. All planets, comets and asteroids,
all satellites of stars, all
•those who circulate near the planets are subject to this law.
All patterns found by scientists
indicate that the planets and moons are not accidental
These are fellow travelers who stuck to the Sun during its wanderings along the endless roads of the Universe. They are members of a single whole
Drawing by Kepler, made by him on the margins of the manuscript.
and constitute an organized system of regularly interconnected celestial bodies.
Therefore, the name “solar system” was strengthened behind the solar family of planets, and among scientists there was a firm belief that the Earth and all other planets are the daughters of the Sun, and the moons are, as it were, grandchildren, and that the birth of the planet and the moons is due to the action of some unknown science. natural law
