Leptospirosis cases of in Bantul Regency,
Yogyakarta started to be reported in 2009 with
the number of 10 cases and Case Fatality Rate
(CFR) of 10%. Then, in 2010 and 2011, there
was an increase of cases in each case amounted
to 116 cases with a CFR of 16.37% in 2010 and
154 cases with a CFR of 7.79% in 2011. In 2012,
the case was declined as many as 48 cases with
a CFR of 2.3% and then in 2013, there was an
increase to 74 cases with the CFR of 0%, and in
2014, there were 77 cases of leptospirosis with
CFR of 9.09% (DKK Bantul, 2014).
Epidemiological spread of leptospirosis
bacteria is influenced by environmental and
socio-demographic aspects (Gracie, 2014).