My Free Energy and Breatharian Journey

in #keshe8 years ago

Free Energy is Real!!

Any physicist or student of the many various spiritual systems will tell you that this universe that we live in is not material or physical at all; that it is in fact pure energy.

Humans are pure energy or vibration and so is the food that we eat for energy. So, we have an energetic being energizing her/himself via the consumption of more energy in the form of 'food'. That is interesting! My realization of this energetic relationship we have with food and our environment deepened gradually over the years as i transitioned from omnivore to vegetarian to vegan to living/raw foodist and now being almost entirely breatharian!

Each day i made subtle shifts in my diet; becoming more and more in-tuned with how the foods i ate made me feel. At times more or less energized, more or less peaceful or joyous, i continued my search for an optimal diet that would essentially give me freedom and joy!

So today, i am in the process of transitioning from an organic and local mostly fruitarian diet with some few veggies such as kale and lettuce included, to a complete Breatharian. What breatharian??? What is a breatharian you ask? Well, a breatharian is a being who does not eat food and is able to sustain a vibrant and energized life through conscious breath-work, pure water and abundant sunlight.

It sounds kinda far out, but i can tell you personally that it is not only real, but a phenomenal experience to have. I suppose i am becoming a specific type of breatharian that i call Plasmerian. Plasma is the so called fourth state of matter that is somewhere between a gas and an ether. It is pure energy and can be thought of as a cloud of energy. A nano-particle of plasma can contain the amount of energy present in the Sun (which itself is a plasma!).

I suppose i get most of my plasma energy via sun-gazing (staring peacefully at the sun at sunrise and sunset), and via the consumption of plasma activated water. Plasma activated water? What is that??? Well it is water programmed or charged with the energetic fields of Plasma. Plasma can be extracted from any material source as it is the building block of molecules, elements and sub-atomic particles (protons, neutrons, electrons). My drinking water begins as an alkaline water source that i bless with positive intention & love, then added to that water is a few drops of plasma energized water (water that has been restructured and vortexed with a plasma of my choice).

I have made plasma from fruits, vegetables, gold, crystals, roses and other flowers using techniques taught by Dr MT Keshe and the Keshe Foundation. Once the plasma's (or GANS as mentioned by Keshe) are prepared, we have a pure and nearly infinite source of the energy expressed by its material counterpart. So, essentially a few drops of orange plasma water can energize as much as a glass of fresh squeezed oranges juice.

The plasma fields are very powerful and can be experienced simply by holding a jar of plasma!

After preparing and consuming plasmas for over six months, i am far more energized and in-tuned with the energies present in the environment. For example, a walk through the jungle, communion with family of trees, or a few moments spent with the ocean on the beach can be enough to energetically charge me up for hours!

I still eat food occassionally - for my own personal enjoyment. I enjoy lots of herbal & chai tea, raw chocolates and macadamia nuts most often. Every now and again i will enjoy a kale salad as well. At this point, i do feel that all this is un-necessary. For example; after eating an few mac-nuts i'll usually drink a glass of energized water to get my energy back up to where it was!

I keep a jar of 'Food Gans' (pictured) or 'Food Plasma' in my refrigerator and it is my primary source of energy. I consume it daily as an addative to a cup of tea or or a glass or alkaline water! The plasma was prepared from spirulina, blueberries, strawberries, and 'Sun Warrior' protein shake mix.

This journey has allowed me to deepen into my imagination of a world where all humans and beings are healthy, vibrant, abundant and free! Could it be that all we require already exists within us?

All humans are energetic beings capable of becoming plasmatic breatharians. It is a process involving the dissolution of the false belief systems we hold around our relationship to food & the life-giving rediscovery of who we are at the core. It is a state of free and blissful existence with a likeness to the beautiful photosynthesizing fruit trees and vegetables that we consume for energy! How ironic! True freedom is so close: embracing the wisdom and elegance of that which we subjugate and destroy!

We are free energy beings! Lets be healthy and free!

Much Love,



Hey Neon,

Now that is fascinating.

As dedicated yogi following a plant-based organic diet the thought of breatharianism is intruiging to say the least.
Is it part of our evolutionary transition to a higher vibrational state?
I have fasted, and am increasingly lowering my food intake.
I'll check out Dr Keshe.


Love and Peace.

It can be a path back to higher vibrational states. There are infinite paths leading us back to wholeness, Oneness & full consciousness however. I am grateful that our paths have crossed!!! I practice with-gong daily & intend to deepen my yogic practice as well.
Peace & Love


Many paths .. One Truth.

Yes, I am grateful too to have crossed paths.
I know we will meet here again.

It is inspiring to me that there is interest in , as you say, Oneness and Consciousness here on Steemit.
So exciting.

I have a friend who does gong baths ... they are sooo lovely, and work deep.
Sound so powerful.

Best wishes for your yoga practice.
I'll be writing on here, about Yoga and how it's primary goal is Freedom/Truth/Light/Understanding.
Putting my first post together.
Taking my time to do it properly.

Love & Peace.

I look forward to reading more about this. Is there a specific spiritual philosophy you learned to inspire you in this direction? What are your spiritual philosophies?

I guess my spiritual philosophy is Love & Appreciation! We each - all 7Billion of us; have a unique expression, perspective & gift to add to the global experience of planet earth. Furthermore, we are all connected on a higher level & ONE with Source!! <3

This is very interesting. I have just started studying the pure energy of the universe and how it affects everything. One question I have is do you get all of the nutrition you need to survive from the plasma?

Yes, there is a unified field of vibration that is timeless (no space or time), we are all a part of it & have access to all that is through that connection.
At the moment about 85% of my energy is from the plasmas.

@pierce-the-veil: Congratulations Neon! I really appreciate your specificity as to "plasma". Having thoroughly studied Mr. Keshe's work and the production of organic based gans, It is surely one of the most exciting developments in the area of "Plasmatics", inter. alia. I have up-voted your post accordingly. Best of Luck!

Yes! These are exciting times we are living in!! Mahalo!! Peace & Love

God bless your work of exposing free energy and how we've been lied to about everything!

Mahalo! <3

YES! Your messages shall be heard far and wide. Your are the voice of an Earth angel ! TY for all you Be and Do.
I've been on this path too.. and have never done the Plasma gig! Excited to research more. Yesai, Blessai