I'm usually skeptical about products or supplements in the ketogenic diet market since they are usual just products thinking people will buy because it's all about the fad and not to mention they don't even do as they claim.
This device tracks if you're in ketosis using your breathe! It's pretty cheap compared to ketone sh trips too! I have no idea if it works the reviews are positive.. All I can say is wait until I further report on it as I have purchased it and it will come by this week.
Keto Detector is breath based method to measure ketone levels in your system. Ketones are a chemical produced by your body when, due to a lack of insulin, it is not able to use glucose as its source of energy, and instead start breaking down fat, which results to fat loss. Ketosis state has not only been shown beneficial for breaking down fat but is also being used for treating diseases such as epilepsy, Alzheimer's or cancer.
Here's a pic of the product
In simple words; this device will tell you whether your body is using glucose (carbohydrates) as energy source or breaking down body fat for energy instead. Providing you with healthy was to loose excess fat, giving you more energy and whole host of other health benefits.
I've recently just begun the keto diet for almost a week and was off it for a few months, so I'd say I'm a good test subject for this device. Hopefully it works😄
Keto has helped my dad lose over 100lbs and lower bad cholesterol. I was 270 when I started, and I'm 260 now. Looking forward to 220. Thanks for this useful tool.
Happy to hear of your progress keep it going! Follow me I'll keep you in the loop about this product ! I'll follow back 👌
Done! :D
So cool! Upvoted!
Thank you !
I've lost 100 pounds on the keto diet. I hadn't heard of this testor. I've been using blood ketone test strips but hey are expensive. I'll have to check that out. Thanks.
No problem thanks for checking out my post! I'll be posting more about this so follow me I'll follow back ! 🙏👌
The keto diet is like natural crack!

@healthyrecipe he knows what you talking bout to 😎😂🤙