This has definitely been one of the most interesting news stories as of late. I don't even read the news much these days since they seem to drain so much energy out of me. But I've been following this one.
As I usually tend to do, I refrained from drawing conclusions and listening to the initial hype surrounding a news story. The mob mentality usually comes up with an "official story" for every news piece, and the actual truth lies somewhere in the middle. In some cases, though, the truth is somewhere far away from the offically accepted explanation.
And he recorded the whole thing with his Apple watch? Okay, sure, but it does seem convenient to say the least.
Good share.
I don't blame you for following the latest madness, it's one crisis after another in TV land. This story is very intriguing on many levels, the geopolitical aspects, the investigation and from a human level.
You're right, it's important not to digest the official narrative as we're fed constant propaganda, it's best to keep that stuff at arms length if at all possible.
I heard they had a recording, I didn't realize he had done it with his Apple watch. Maybe he thought by recording it, it would protect him somehow?