My beautiful 5 year old boy sees the world a little differently, no he is not autistic which is a quick judgment that is often made. He has sensory processing issues, his world is filled with over stimulation of his senses combined with a lack of input on others. People with sensory processing issues usually fall mainly into either seeker or avoiders, my son is both. He will seek out movement and must have something in his mouth to chew, yet will reject food on texture rather than taste and hide from loud sounds.
One the things many people do not realise are that there are actually seven senses in the body not the five we commonly learn about at school.
Seven senses of the body
- Tactile or Somatosensory System – sense of touch
- Visual System – sense of sight
- Auditory System – sense of hearing
- Gustatory System – sense of taste
- Olfactory System – sense of smell
- Vestibular System – sense of balance
- Proprioception System – sense of body position
When these senses do not provide the right information in the right amounts to our brains our bodies do not react as one would expect. For example when your sense of touch isn't functioning and someone touches you normally say put their hand on your shoulder a seeker may barely notice and wanting to get more input might push into you, an avoider may react in the extreme as though you gave them a hard slap.
All of this makes the world tough for my little guy, so when you see a little one climbing on everything in the furniture shop, that could be my little guy. he wont just be climbing though he will be putting his whole body along the couch trying to get as much input from it as possible.
Its why he shouts his words yet wants you to talk in a quiet voice, why he runs his hands along everything as he walks past but recoils if you touch him.
Always too much or not enough never just right.