Is it a girl?

in #kids7 years ago

That's exactly what I asked my doctor when my 2nd son was born. I was pregnant for the 2 nd time after 7 long years and it actually took me 3 years to convince my husband about how important a daughter is to a family. My husband was of the opinion that gender makes no difference and it is same to have a boy or a girl as a child, but I had different opinion.


I believed and still do that girls are multi taskers and can manage famlies and work life well whereas men are more work centric who would later on in life would have no time for me. My husband tried convincing me saying having such expectations from children is not good. But, me that I was, I forced him into having a sister for our son who would later on in life ask us how we were and also share a special bond with her brother which we as parents would not.

I don't know why, but I was very confident that I would have a baby girl and not a boy. My husband again warned me that I should accept it even if it was a boy as I had no going back on this. I assured him that I would love my baby unconditionally, but I was sure it would be girl. I had even selected a name for her 'Kshitija'.

It was 18th March when my doctor wheeled me into the operation theater and jokining asked me what I was expecting. I said , a girl. I even told her that she should show her to me before they give her a wash. I was operated and heard a cry. Doctor brought him to me and with all smiles said it was a boy. My eyes became moist. I kissed him, but I still had doubts on doctors. I waited for my husband to come and check on me. He came in after a few minutes, I asked him if he saw the baby? He said he did, I asked boy or girl? He said boy again.

I felt as if God didn't consider me worth enough to bless me with a girl. It took me my stay at the post maternity ward to acceptthe reality that I would never have a baby girl.

Call it maternal instincts, I love my little one as much as I love my elder one. He is super naughty and completes my world. I have accepted the reality and waiting for my son's to grow up soon, so that I can get them married and expect baby girls from them 😂😂 (kidding).


Wishing for your child for his bright future.The baby looks so beautiful didi @samysamy

Child is very important @samysamy in the family, but @samysamy son is very tanpan

The kid is really so cute...
Dude please visit me

Very interesting post
I love it

Last line is very good.
I like that.