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RE: 5th Grader Gives out Marijuana Laced Gummy Bears At School

in #kidsondrugs7 years ago

"Seriously though, perhaps Marijuana is a better alternative for ADHD as opposed to Ritalin?"

haha ya, they have to send out an alert on facebook for weed, but then actively prescribe a bunch of stuff that's actually bad

(well I guess technically the doctors prescribe it, but they're all cogs of the same wheel .. we couldn't hurt the teachers' egos or ask big questions about how we educate kids, and the doctors realize this)


Yep, if a kid is high energy and disruptive they want to prescribe pills to make em a zombie now. Fuck that, I was on em and I'd never give them to a child ever

All I can think about after your comment @goldenarms , is an episode where Stewie gets prescribed pills because his kindergarden- teacher couldnt control him.... Haha, thanks for the laugh anyways