POEM: Fighting Fear

in #killerpoetry7 years ago (edited)

Oppression disgusts me. Always has.

Can't we all just respect each other and live in peace? Agree to disagree, at times, but agree that we all share this planet, and work together to make it a better place? This poem was inspired by the fight for freedom that has gripped the human race throughout history.

Power to the people!

wonder woman resistance.jpg

I took this photo after seeing Wonder Woman last summer. We all need to be superheros, methinks... That said, I think we already are. It isn't easy being human. All we can do is give our best in each moment, and be true to ourselves.

We are the change...

The Resistance

Fear rises
Again and again
Shaking its many
Tails and heads.

Some things are simple
A deep breath, a new thought,
Others elude
As solutions are sought.

Power abused,
People misused,
So many confused,
But we need to choose

To fight this fear.
Yet not all are fighters.
How does a pacifist
Take on the biters?

Fear shakes me,
Tries to overtake me.
But I’m stronger
Than that which tries to break me.

The rebel in me
Wants to say, “Fuck fear!
Down with oppressors.
Let’s slay them right here.”

But mothering instincts
Force a retreat.
My place isn’t the front line,
But I won’t accept defeat.

I am a shelter,
Creating safety in a storm.
I give love freely,
From this, hope is born.

I see you, warriors,
Fighting for what’s right.
I’m behind you, with you,
Shining a light.

I’m a warrior too,
But I stand back to see
All the beautiful people
Fighting to be free.

Original poem by Katrina Ariel

This is an entry for @rumplestiltskin's Killer Poetry Contest.

Thanks for reading! Keep being you.

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of Steemit.

dragon art: Liiga Smilshkalne

Banner by @PegasusPhysics

the alliance
Banner by @bearone



I am a shelter,
Creating safety in a storm.
I give love freely,
From this, hope is born.

To change the world, first we must realise that change within ourselves. Otherwise, what can we hope to accomplish, but a mere changing of the guard? Great write Katrina, needed now perhaps more than ever...

Thanks so much for reading, and for this comment. That's my favourite stanza in the poem. 💖

nice thank you very good post.

I agree with you, let alone about your writing based on your experience

You do look like a superhero in that photo, and do poem is absolutely beautiful 💚 Strong, powerful and beautiful 💚

Aw, thank you sweetheart! Strong, powerful and beautiful. Gonna carry that around with me today. 💖

This is pretty damn good Princess!

Thank you, my friend. I wish I didn't have to write it. Wish it wasn't triggered by events here. But, hey, life happens. It's what we make of the challenges that contributes to evolution.

Well said sweets. I was going to write this fierce rap about things but...this pretty much says everything already :)

Loved the poem. In my opinion, fear and greed are the fuel for the worst of human behavior. In the words of Yoda "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side." And there is research to prove it! Resistance that arises from a grounding in self-awareness, honest anger and hope is the only way to fight the scourge of fear.

Well said! And I always love Yoda quotes! :) Thanks for the comment!

Excellent poem, and I'm right there with you.

I'm an old soul, peacemaker and pacifist, and I've learned that the only way to fight fear and injustice is to stop fighting, and choose love, because the true opposite of love is not hate; it is fear.

As FDR said so eloquently, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, because fear debilitates, disempowers, and shuts people down right when they most need to take action.

I've certainly allowed it to shut me down in the past.

THIS is why Jesus said to love our enemies, because doing otherwise gives energy to their cause, and empowers them against us.

Just look at world governments over millennia for ample proof of this in action.

Acting from fear and distrust is an inherently weak stance, as Woodrow Wilson so clearly pointed out, whereas acting from love and trust is inherently strong. It takes mental and moral strength and courage to trust before that trust is earned.

So let us be strong, and embody the change, by refusing to give into fear, by accepting what is in every moment, and by choosing love and compassion over fear, no matter what is going on in our outer world. It's all illusion anyway.

Only in this way will such change take root and be lasting. Choose a better world, and maintain that choice steadfastly, and in time it will reveal itself.

YES! Tricky balance, for sure, but compassion is definitely needed. Either we keep running the same hamster wheel we've been on for centuries upon centuries, or we as human beings choose to change. Thanks for this thoughtful comment!

You're welcome!
Thanks for your thoughtful - and thought-provoking - post. ;-)

You really left my heart beating strong. Your poem touched every part of me and I embraced your words as my own way of thinking and living life. You seem to me like an old friend. By the way, amazing photos of yours. Wishing you a great life.

Thanks so much! I'm glad you could relate to the poem. I think it's a topic that evokes strong feelings in all of us. All my best to you!

Loved the poem and you cute as hell [as always!]
For sure being human ain't easy, I second that girl...

Aw, thank you! 💖 No, being human isn't easy, but we're all in this together, more or less. So, PEACE. Right? ;)

Hell yeah! Kick ass poem @katrina-ariel. As well as beautiful and inspiring at the same time. Thank you :)

Thanks so much for reading, Robert! Glad you liked the poem, and that you found it inspiring. 💖

This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by your @ecs (eastcoaststeem) community leaders @chelsea88 & @inthenow

Well, thanks so much, East Coast Steemians! EAST COAST represent! 💖 (I'm so West Coast, but I've got family that's east-ish... so... thanks for the love!)

Tyranny and oppression have plagued our human history for centuries. We like to consider ourselves as a civilized race, but even in the 21st century we are still struggling with our violent nature. We may resist today and win, but oppression will always come back tomorrow in a different place.

True. This world is made of yin and yang, and I think humans have an animal nature that does include violence, but perhaps we can evolve, spurred on by our continual fight for freedom.

It's a careful balance - keep the essence alive during an onslaught on spirits, a shelter is needed too. Enjoyed your poem a lot, wonder woman!