You know that is a very good point. It seems the depths of the rabbit holes have no end. To start digging is one thing, to begin poking into side tunnels is something else entirely.
I read somewhere recently that there are two ways of knowing. There is the knowing from being taught, parents teachers, reading ect. Then there is the knowing of experience. The point being that true knowing comes from experience.
Naturally one wants to take advantage of learning from the experience of others, to an extent. Yet, it truly is a puzzle to me why there are still so many people who never question anything
I am personally starting to think that is part of the propose of the financial system. The money is worthless they can print all they want. It is there to keep the masses occupied. If everyone is working hard they have little time to contemplate and therefore little time to question.
That would also explain the education system. We are allowed to work less and profit more in direct correlation to our indoctrination ( or learned knowing) of the approved system of belief.
Just ask any research scientist how much success is available if their "findings" are out of line with the goals of those who fund it.
BTW great post welcome to Steemit. I hope to see more from you. Feel free to drop me a line any time.
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Would you share what you consider to be the most eye opening truth you have become aware of since breaking free from the control system. Or, if you have a post dealing with the matter, I would enjoy reading and learning from it. I ask this question to people that have come to the conclusion that something just ain't right about the world. Very, very rarely will people surprise me with their response, but from your writings, I think you will. And that's something (not to be corny) I search for more than anything.
It is not often I am asked something that I have to think about. I thought about this one. Mostly because the answer is ever changing. I suppose it would have to always be whatever I am learning about at the moment.
If you really think about it this is probably true for most everyone. After all we can only be as aware as our latest epiphany.
I am starting to become very aware of just how much of a fog many people are in. There is a lot of info out there in plain sight, nobody is hiding it. For some reason only a few seem to pay attention.
Right now I am interested in artificial intelligence, trans humanism, and parabiosis
You and I both should probably post more blogs.