Kind ads : 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

in #kind β€’ 7 years ago (edited)

Kind Ads - The Revolution in online advertising?

Kind Ads is the new kid on the block in advertising, with a completely different ethos to current major AD networks such as Adsense and media dot net.

This is my entry for the Kind Ads Writing Contest

What makes an ad kind?
Is it the fact that you can opt out, and not see any advertisements without a third-party plugin like Adblock?
Is it the fact that you control your data, and only let publishers see so much, and only allow them to use it for advertising?
Is it the fact that you can sell your data, as well as the sites advertising and you both make a cut?

How can we improve on this?
What if it were decentralised, meaning it is guaranteed to payout automatically, without delay?
What if it were tradeable for other cryptos, such as steem, because it is really hard to find ads that pay in crypto?
What if it used other channels than annoying pop-ups, such as e-mail and push notification?
What if you could earn from targeting on yourself (allowing them to target you)?
What if no matter how little your audience is, you can make money, because it isn't turned into dust by middlemen?
What if it were a kind and ethical company, meaning they have the right reasons to do it?

Well then, my friends, I would have just explained kind ads.

Where do I sign up?
On their website,

Yes I would, I run many ads and currently my solution for respectful advertising (i.e. minimal tracking) is barely paying me dust on the blogs that I run, that definitely cost more than dust to run, so I would love to try using Kind Ads on my website.Would @cryptocoinnews1 use it?

I really do like the idea of kind ads, as it seems like the advertising company of the future, one I would love to work with!

I also like the fact that with them, say you are looking for a laptop, you can sell the data to advertisers and earn for something you would have bought anyway! They would never let you do this on an affiliate program as it is usually in the terms that you may not refer yourself and therefore you can't earn the commission on that item, meaning they will keep for themselves. With kind ads, this is not the case.

Kind Ads. The end of the facebook and google dictatorship?

Kind Ads. The end of the facebook and google dictatorship?

The revolution that meant the appearance of the Internet at the end of the 20th century is only compared with the appearance of the printing press in the 14th century. Everyone could have access to knowledge; the basis of all progress.

Today, anyone can express their ideas and make them known to that great conglomerate, to the global village, as the internet has been named. Trillions of bits of information run through the network every day and it is possible that someone from the other side of the world, in a small village, is watching your content.
When it comes to making money, everything works the same way.

What keeps the Internet running is advertising. The advertising industry generates billions of dollars each year, making it an important issue for companies that want to grow. But there is a problem for bloggers and website owners when it comes to monetizing their content; they are forced to deal with advertising networks, which often take most of the revenue. It is not only a problem to leave your profits to these middle men, but they also place irritating and irrelevant advertisements on the websites, thereby decreasing the general user experience and the reach of the website. Online marketing needs a solution for all these inconveniences, and that's where Kind Ads comes in.


How could Kind Ads change the way companies interact with their potential demographic?
The conventional advertising system practiced by giants such as Facebook and Google does not work at all. The ads are aimed at helping to increase advertisers' profits, but it happens that advertisers often end up targeting the wrong people, generating what we know as unwanted advertising bombardment. This is a consequence of that disconnection between advertisers and customers. Large centralized companies often prevent advertisers from establishing a relationship with customers and this is where the problems lie.
Kind Ads, being a new platform based on blockchain, is rightly aiming to eliminate the centralization that has been predominant in the business, and thus develop a system in which intermediaries do not take all the money.

270 STEEM + 40 Bonuses ~ Sponsored Writing Contest: Kind Ads

My mom raised me well. She was a dedicated, passionate mother with a clear vision of who her son should become. This amazing person who gave birth to me was a lot like an old Baptist preacher: Sometimes right, sometimes wrong but never, ever in doubt!

I wore a suit to church, got good grades and used proper grammar. Obviously, absolutely no cursing was allowed in our house.

Just to be clear, the above picture is not of my mom and me. And you do not know me well enough to laugh like that... 😎

After two years at varsity, my dad looked at my results and announced that he is not paying for such rubbish any more. This resulted in me doing a two-year stint in my country's national defence force. I am unsure who cried more, my mother or me.

Sadly, the army taught me to curse. I was trained by a sergeant who could shout at me for ten minutes without a pause. And without using a single noun or verb that I could quote here, on my current NSFW setting.

Going home was painful. My loving mother got a huge shock and cried for days in response to the language coming from my mouth. Traumatised by her response, I stopped cursing. And I never took it up again, even after my mother's departure to heaven.

Until now!

Nothing ticks me off as much as uninvited, unwelcome, unannounced marketing on the internet. If you want to hear me curse, get an ad to pop up on my screen while I'm trying to read something else. I'll put my sergeant to shame when you interrupt the video I'm watching with an ad. Fill my screen with so many banners I have to hire a private investigator to find the content for which I'm on the page and I'll curse the air blue. Bluer than blue!

I hate the intrusive nature of marketing on my screen but I have a problem...

It is called FOMO. Fear Of Missing Out.

I want to buy things. I'm on Steemit to make money so that I am able to buy more things. There is a long list of things that I want to buy and I want the best price and the best quality. If there is a special on the things for which I am looking, I want to know about it!

How on earth do I reconcile these two things? Am I doomed to be a cursing fool for the rest of my life, upsetting my mother even in heaven?


These guys will help you browse the net without cursing! πŸ˜‡ AND they will help you find the stuff you want and the specials you need! Here are some of the promises they make.

"Kind Ads is an advertising platform that serves user-friendly ads without taking any middleman fees. With Kind Ads, not only do advertisers save money, but publishers keep more of it."

"Kind Ads will show you more relevant ads through channels like email marketing and push notifications so you can browse the web without being bombarded by irrelevant ads."

This sounds to me like a great act of kindness, maybe the most significant possible in our digital world.

For the sake of my beautiful, wonderful mother, please investigate their service!


They are decentralised, permission-based and highly cost-effective!


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Hi @cryptocoinnews1. Please explain this post to me. I see you have copied and pasted my own and other entrants posts in the @originalworks sponsored writing contest. Are you a part of this competition? Are you posting the posts of the winners here? I hope so!

If not, you need to know that plagiarism is frowned upon on Steemit.

I look forward to your reply!