Hey guys! I wanted to make a quick announcement that my mother's birthday is coming up on April 3rd and she has one very small request.

My mom spends her mornings making little breakfasts for the crows and the squirrels outside of her house. She genuinely cares about the wellbeing of all animals, and has a big heart for even the smallest ones. She is asking for one thing for her birthday; to raise money for an animal rehabilitation center located in Wisconsin.
All the money I raise on this post will be going to help my mom out with her goal, but if you'd like to contribute a little something more, please click here for more information.
Any help is greatly appreciated and will be helping a non-profit organization help animals in need of medical care until they are healthy enough to go back home into their natural environment!
happy birthday to your mom
best of luck your mom,,,
hmmmm. I think you need to hit Adam up for a BIG RESTEEM. I think when he does it, one's wallet gains some weight! It's the least he can do for "reparations" for being such a porkyPoop to you. LOL
In the meanwhile:
Thought you'd appreciate this: